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Argh... am I the only one reading all these suggestions... and wishing I could jump into a tool on my pc here and start adding new things.... playing with things already in the game... testing..... correcting.

SO many suggestions... SO much creativity and support... cant... take it!

Anyone know what they use to create textures and models with? Player and objects...

I could bash out a whole new line of clothing in my spare time :grin:

Come on Armagenon(sp) hook us up
I completely agree!

I wish I had an SDK for this game, I'd pay $40 bucks just for that alone! (As long as it would let me get into the guts of the game and allow for total conversions and gameplay re-workings.)
Textures are pretty easy, you need to get a dds file opener for photoshop.
All those DDS files are textures. Open and edit to your hearts content. :smile:

The textures are pretty good looking though, I had a look at them, and didn't want to change them :smile: Although I might change the black helmet one, it seems a bit.........too black :smile:
well not so much CHANGE... but add I should say.

we need a way to make new things, and test and present them to the developer(s)
Well, theres a text file thats the item list. So, add an item to that, although the numbers could be anything, maybe texture coords. Although theres no reference to which texture file. Thats might be stored in the .Bpip file in the textures directory.
more man I WANT MORE :grin:

like... being able to create jousting tournaments... even ONLINE tournaments.

BOOYEAH grandma.

we need to get some serious modding going on in hurr
ok. Worked out most of the text file attributes

String name, Model Name, item type, x,y,z,price,item stats, weapon stats?, probability of in store?

super_plate_armor leather_jerkin 16830464 0 32 4 1966 502852608 0 8388616

get it?

String Name : Name of the item
Model Name : Look of the item, including model + textures
Item Type : type of item eg, body armour, horse
x,y,z : orientation of inventory image
Price : cost of item
item stats : +236 body armour etc
weapons stats : i think. -not sure
probability of in store : hard to test, but I replaced it with an arrow value, and my super plate armour seemed to appear all the time.

Have fun.

I made my armour a horse with 236 armour :smile: and looks like a leather jerkin

EDIT: Ok, I dont think its probability of in store, because bows have 10. The practice sword has a value of 0. And it doesn't appear in shops. Although thats same with the wine.

Also when adding an item to the list, dont add it to the middle, because it seems to throw everything else out. Eg my nomad blade turned into a scimitar.
If the source for this game was just shared amongst us all, it'd be NetHack all over again - only, with the contributions we'd all make, my GAWD would it be a great game.

But then, an opensource game doesn't make a profit, now does it?
Well there seems to be a pretty even crowd of faithfull followers, lord knows how many people downloaded it and just play... never checking the forums.

I'm sure there is some stat to show number of downloads from that link...

Even in the past 3-4 days I know there have been a large # of people from penny-arcade alone...

If we get the faithfull contributors together then there wouldn't be a need to stop payments... and it wouldnt be open-source
I made another thread about this, should've checked around more and seen you already started one. :smile: IMO if there's an editor or sourcecode released, I think there needs to be some way that Armagan retains control of the product but the core game is nonetheless able to benefit. As in, let people put up towns and new equipment or whatever up somewhere, and then if it gets voted highly enough Armagan and co. might take a look at it and if they like it they'll have the right to adopt it, modify it, do whatever they want with it; and so add features and content a lot faster than if they did it on their own, while still being able to make the game =they= want.

I just think it's important to have some central control to keep things consistent, and obviously that central control is the original designers of the game. It seems like the really small team has done an excellent job so far, but there's only so much that two people can do in a set amount of time, and the very expansive gameplay has left a lot of places that just aren't finished yet; for example, the Four Ways Inn, just an empty field far as I can tell.
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