answering the kings call to arms

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Hi all

i'm really new to this game and have a question.

i recetly joined a faction as mercenary and immediately got a call from the king to go to war. ive only had one seige and one feild battle but have seen no loot. and thats my question. we definitely captured the castle but i did not recelive any loot at all after the battle. the feild battle i lost so i guess there no loot there. i was just wondering if ther eis no look or material reward am i only fighting for the king for renown and faction standing?? i only got250 denars as first pay hope the weekly pay is really big to cover the costs.

thanks all

The amount of loot is proportional to the total ally party size : the more people, the less loot. Meaning if you join a huge battle with the king, mostly composed by his men (your party is smaller than his), you will hardly get anything.
ok thanks

yeah his party was much bigger maybe i should build up my part some more si there a way to avoid his summons ithout causing any penalties?
crpcarrot said:
yeah his party was much bigger maybe i should build up my part some more si there a way to avoid his summons without causing any penalties?
Unless you can get him to loose a fight so the quest ends beforehand you can wait until you get the quest to scout out something or the quest to get cattle. Fulfill the quest but don't talk to him about a reward. As long as you don't talk to him about it you are free to do what you want. You have to fulfill the quest as these have a time limit.

You can also talk to him and stop the quest but these have (slight) penalties.
the first quest i got from the king/faction since i became a mecenarry was to report to him. the king was a a seig and i duly reported to him and joined the next assault. he captured the castle. next quest was for me to follow him. thats when the trouble stated cos a whole load of enemy lords came streaming in and attacked the king and his accompanying lords. th e odds didnt look good so i tried to get my party into safety but every few second i keep getitng a message that the king wants me to join him (or something along those lines) do i just ignore these messages and save my own skin?i think i accepted this mecenary quest too quick i need to level up some more.
That's a quest I always did (joining a fight) so I'm not sure what will happen.
I can tell you that on autocombat the bigger party wins, with the character involved that changes, now troop quality, terrain and of course your actions gets important.

I know that the quest ends when he looses but whether you get a slap on the hand when you don't help I don't know.
crpcarrot said:
we definitely captured the castle but i did not recelive any loot at all after the battle.
You won't necessarily, loot is divvied up between all participants, including troops. If there's none left when it comes to be your share, tough luck.

Fiefs are granted based on what the faction owns though, so the more castles, towns and villages your faction takes over, the more likely you are to be awarded another fief.

Yes, but the faction tries to balance it out. If you have two villages and everyone else has only one, then you won't get another fief until most of the faction are on two villages too (I think renown acts as a hard limit on how many fiefs the player may have, and relation determines where in the queue you fit, i.e. if you're incredibly close to the king then you're first in line when he starts granting people their next level of fiefs). Each level of fief has a different value though, two villages to one castle, two castles to a town etc.
If you want to know exactly how the division of fiefs is handled by the king you should look up TheMageLord's tweaks thread, it also includes information how to change it.
It depends on reknown, the number of fiefs everyone has, the standing with the king (small effect), who conquered it and a random factor.
darklon7 said:
Just get a much larger army is the most obvious answer.

Doing it yourself without relying on the idiot lords is by far the best way, then you don't have to share your ill-gotten gains. They'll only spend it on dried fish anyway.  :grin:

A looting skill of 3+ should be enough to secure some decent crap.
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