
Hello everyone I just recently began playing M&B and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Now I recently became a vassal to King Ragnar of the Nords, and he bestowed to me the village of Jayek. Now I was thrilled at the prospect of ownership, and quickly left the King with my small and beleaguered warband of 40. After a half day of marching I could see my new village on horizon (More like the edge of the screen...) Only to see smoke rising from it. Being a curious and fresh noob to the game I could only guess that my village was celebrating my arrival
Nope I was wrong and disappointed to see
Please, may some one be so kind to thoroughly explain how village ownership works? Also will my village recover from this, and if yes then how soon? Thank you all very much in advance for the help!
Please, may some one be so kind to thoroughly explain how village ownership works? Also will my village recover from this, and if yes then how soon? Thank you all very much in advance for the help!