Another Noob, another question

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Hello everyone I just recently began playing M&B and have been thoroughly enjoying it.  Now I recently became a vassal to King Ragnar of the Nords, and he bestowed to me the village of Jayek.  Now I was thrilled at the prospect of ownership, and quickly left the King with my small and beleaguered warband of 40.  After a half day of marching I could see my new village on horizon (More like the edge of the screen...) Only to see smoke rising from it.  Being a curious and fresh noob to the game I could only guess that my village was celebrating my arrival :smile:  Nope I was wrong and disappointed to see

Please, may some one be so kind to thoroughly explain how village ownership works?  Also will my village recover from this, and if yes then how soon?    Thank you all very much in advance for the help!
The king will basically give the Fresh Lord guy, the absolute most poor and crapped up village, and say, heres your welcome to Nords present. Give it 2 weeks, then it'll recover.
It'll take either three game days, but it will rebuild.

Villages are looted by Lords hostile to your faction. This decreases their wealth, meaning you'll get less rent from then until they've had time to recover.

Every week you'll get tax from your village. Your village spawns groups of travelling villagers, these villagers will travel to the closest town, then return, increasing the wealth of your village as long as they don't get caught by bandits or enemies along the way.

You can also build fief upgrades (each one has their own description and use), however these take a long time to build and generally aren't all that useful.

And of course, like all other non-hostile villages you can recruit men. Keep in mind that the higher your relations with a village (increased by doing quests for the Village elder, getting rid of a bandit infestation or defending them from attack by a hostile Lord) the more men you can recruit, and the higher their tier.
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