Another multyplayer request & something else :)

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hi i'm new in the forum and you now are saying "what the hell!? it's new and post also about multiplayer!?!?!?"

I beg pardon to all of you in the beginning :grin: don't want to bore the hell out of you talkin again on mp just want to propose an idea that comes to me while playing the game

ok, i'm askin it possible to add a type of mp where some people gather around a sigle pc a play a turn based game or something like a vs in arena or random generated field? No online play, no mmoopprroogrgrg, just a multiplayer versus on the same computer (or a multiplayer campaign turn based like the civilization serie)

let me know...if someone already proposed it i've already ask for mercy :grin:

"something else" is about adding the possibility to own a villageo or a castle (or, again, more castles), maybe building it with your own money and having siege weapons to use in random encounters (or in siege action if this feature will be add :grin:).

Let me know again :grin: and I want to know the opinions of the rest of the crew here :wink:

sorry again if it's something already managed :grin:
Turn-based gameplay doesn't sound very fun for this game. And castles/sieges are a very common and very unrealistic suggestion. See the common suggestions sticky for more.
Right, I really don't see how turn based would work, and as cool as a tactical turn-based squad-based medieval game would be, I don't think M&B will ever go near that.

As for city attack/defense, there is indeed a lot of talk around it recently, and I highly doubt it's on armagan's agenda (or at least any time soon), but who knows?
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