(another) Loot question

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Hey, sorry if this has been answered but I couldn't find it anywhere -

When you're fighting a major battle and part way through you have the option to leave or continue fighting, does leaving affect the amount of loot you get at the end? The reason I'm asking is that I was fighting a Vaegir war party together with a Swadian party, both 50+ and I left part way through to do a quick save. After fighting for 20 minutes or so and getting the majority of kills, finally winning against the Vaegirs and the Swadians having been reduced to about 20...I got a sack of grain.


So yeah I'm wondering if I screwed things up by leaving?
Yes you did.

As soon as you leave the battle and go back to the world map, the loot is calculated from the total number of people left. (in this case, not many at all)
What about a battle where you slay all the spawned enemies and then it returns to the battle screen because they didn't all spawn.

How is the loot calculated then?
LetterAfterZ said:
What about a battle where you slay all the spawned enemies and then it returns to the battle screen because they didn't all spawn.

How is the loot calculated then?
The loot is calculated on the number of people killed between leaving the world map and killing the last wave of enemies.
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