anonymous posting

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i was looking through the member list and i noticed that nearly all of the members have between 0 and 2 posts. this comes from the peopel just posting about one bug or whatever. all these names cause the database to slow down, right? i think that it would be easier on the system to allow anonymous posting and not make people register.

I would log out just to post anonymously, and I have over 200 posts... post count doesnt mean jackdidlysquat! It means jackdidlydidntsquat.
I would be tempted to post anonymously just to contradict myself with things like "Oh, yeah? The Sword of War rulez!!!" or "You just don't know how to use crossbows! I killed Constable Halreck and that d00d who wanted padded cloth!"

I don't know that having to register "slows down the database" significantly but I do suspect that it reduces easy trolling and hit-and-run attacks.

If a person has something significant or interesting to post, registering isn't that hard.
i forgot about spaming/trolling, so i can see your point. the slow-down takes a long time to build, anyways. when it starts being noticeable, a moderator/admin can just go through deleting unused accounts or something.
Yeah the anonymous posting would be pure hell for us (the staff), in the regards of keeping the forums idiot free. As for now don't worry about site slowdowns, not enough overall members for idlers to slow us down. When we get to around 4000 members, then perhaps a small purge would be in order.
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