Annoying thing I noticed in 1.4.3-

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-90% of notable in villages have just 100 power. Couldn't find a single powerful guy in all of Vlandia or Sturgia.
-All factions seem to be on life support, no one over 5000 in strength, armies are small (perhaps intentional to reduce snowballing?)
-Factions starting wars they wont fight (vlandia has been at war with aserai for a year and a half with less then 200 total casualties).
-Sturgia's new army composition makes them unfairly hard to other faction in the early-game. They are particulary hard in real battles since the allies ai just doesn't know what to do against shield walls.Tried to fight a battle 6 times in an army losing HARD, before autoresolving for an easy win.
- My vlandia has basically no cav because there are no squires in villages, because everyone is at 100 power.
-Too many lords around. Whatever was done by adding more people from clans to the comander pool just makes it impossible to keep land safe-ish. 50 % of villages on the map are constantly burning.
-I have seen a sturgian lord leave a village with 20 brand new veteran warriors.
-I have been actively avoiding saving my family because I don't really want to pay 50 denars/day for a brother.
-Hideouts are not displaying the list of parties inside
-Most NPCs in towns have the same bugged baby face.
Oh just you wait! Playing 1.4.3 and most of my notables have -300 power 1200 days into the save and despite questing my arse off I can't seem to raise that. Villages won't grow either. I'm Vlandia and we've taken over 1/3 of the map, only Kuziat and Aserai left besides battanian, sturgian, and southern empire insurgents. It's all huge recruit armies facing down huge recuit armies besides my 245 man tier 5-6 party stomping anyone who wants to try.
Oh just you wait! Playing 1.4.3 and most of my notables have -300 power 1200 days into the save and despite questing my arse off I can't seem to raise that. Villages won't grow either. I'm Vlandia and we've taken over 1/3 of the map, only Kuziat and Aserai left besides battanian, sturgian, and southern empire insurgents. It's all huge recruit armies facing down huge recuit armies besides my 245 man tier 5-6 party stomping anyone who wants to try.
The power thing is a bug. Mexxico said he’s fixed it and it will be in the next hot fix. Maybe tomorrow but who knows
I did see his quote on that. Definitely looking forward to that hotfix.

Gotta give the devs props. They squash bugs pretty damn quickly once introduced and identified.
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