Announcing Mod Forum!

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OK. Due to popular demand, we now have a... Mod forum! :razz:

One question, do you think we should move existing mod topics over to the new forum or leave them here. Moving them over makes more sense to me but perhaps some will prefer to leave them as they are...
I'd say move them to the mod forum, it'll be easier to find all mod-related topics made in the past. :smile:

Thanks for the forum BTW. :grin:
I think I speak for all of us modders by saying move away :smile: will make the forums look a lot cleaner and will help modding when we don't have to stroll trough all the other discussion to find mod infos etc.

Thank you very much Armagan, truly respetable of a game designer/maker to listen to his fans.. I salute you
Thanks so much. The more interested I have become in modding the more difficult it has become to keep up with all of the info that is being produced. Having all of the old topics moved would be great.

Though, as a mod of a pretty busy forum, I know that the job of moving all the old ones will be a pain.
Info about adding uppgrade options (solved)
.dds converter and a good program for texturing beginners
Guess what? we got modding space!!
page 4
Changing the damage on Swords/lances

Not that I mind nor care about them but in case you want the forums clean
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