
Do you like Anime in english or Japanese with English Subtitles?

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I bet have been a bazillion topics about anime, but I decided to have a bazillion and one topics about Anime. My favorite series would be Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Tokyo Underground and Scrapped Princess.
Anime is nice.

I like Hellsing (dosent everyone), Trigun, Initial D, Sadamitsu and Cashern live action.

And stop messing with the moomins. Its not there fault they are Anime.
I'll watch it in English, unless it's absolutely unbearable or has lip synching comparable to Godzilla episodes.
i guess it's kind of interesting, but i can't see the massive attraction. they're often shockingly animated and the drawings are pretty uncreative,

i mean... why is it accepted for every anime artist to have EXACTLY the same style (i don't just mean the way they draw faces and figures.. i mean the mechs, the guns, the monsters, the buildings, the cars, the swords, so on) as the last artist? they could all be done by the same guy, almost!

and by shockingly animated i mean, half of most animes are still scenes of people with two-three different mouth poses with talking dubbed over,.. or still scenes of cars/people charging with swords/flying things with cheesy moving backgrounds to simulate movement.

arh, as an artist it kind of pisses me off, it's just generally really dull stuff.

.. some can be interesting though, so don't go crazy.
Yeah, some can be good. I'm thinking old school here like Akira and Ghost in the Shell. Hell, even Cowboy Bebop (Fayeeee) and Outlaw Star have their moments. Animation's still not the best, but the whole point is to tell an 'adult' story, using a child's medium. Lots of psycho-analysis to go on there.

And it's cheaper than film if your story needs a city-block sized transforming flying robot with a glowing sword.

Crapola like Poke-yer-man, Yu-gay-oh and all the rest are just cartoons, not anime.

manboy86, your rather correct, but the way I'd look at it, is your not dealing with a tiny catagorey within a genre (Like Horror movies, or RTS games). It's more like it's own media, akin to Video games, or Movies, or Music.

That's why it tends to be rather absurd for when people give out a blanket statement towards hating anime, and do not cite "I dislike the artwork, or the fact that it's not real life", but rather, cite the worst possible examples of it. Its almost like me saying "I hate Music because of shallow teenage girl and boy bands, and emo music", or "I hate movies because of horribly designed horror movies and slapstick comedies".

Anime is a really big market, and the most common ****, the type that is generally conjured up in thought when anime is mentioned, tends to be the most overhyped, bastardized (by censoring, edits, and soforth) and lame ones. Poke-yer-Man, Yu-gay-oh, the countless ones with giant mecha and big swords (keep in mind that a stunningly large population of gamers worship Final Fantasy 7, which encorporates many of those anime qualities), and other's with very cheaply done, commonly seen artwork (The type that you voiced complaints about)

There is a lot of on mainstream stuff, that, like with music and movies, shows itself to be ahead of the common crap.

Berserk is hand drawn artwork, beautifully done, within a medieval world (No elves, with some supernaturalness in it, but not overdone), with a very mature and violent atmosphere to it. The lead character would borrow more from Conan the Barbarian than any mainstream anime.

Akira is an obvious answer. It's by far not some childs shallow movie, but a very artistic one.

Ghost in the Shell as well.

Jin-Roh deals with a Post-WWII Japan (I think in which the germans won, but it's not very clear). It seems very much a political thriller, and the closest thing to mecha you have is the German-Wehrmacht based body armor/helmet worn by the special ops in the military. ( Certainly, the plot when I saw it seemed suited to have been a live action holywood film.

Understandably, a huge amount of it, and especially the population that enjoys it, can be very agonizing to deal with (I particulaly hate the influence it's had in making more people think the Katana was some sort of Nuke of Antiquity), but I do think that there is bound to be a more serious and artistically done anime out there that might adhere to anyoen's interests. It's hard to say you hate all video games, all movies, all music, because of a genre within it, after all.
Yes. Some are really nice. But majority is awful.

Animes by Hayao Miyazaki are pretty good (I recommend 'Princess Mononoke').
I loved the original novel of 'Vampire Hunter D'. If the anime is as good as the novel, that is worth trying.
'Black Jack'. Original comic by Osamu Tezuka was awsome (the guy practically shaped today's Japanese comic). 'Hi no Tori' was very deep, too.

Unfortunately, many good Japanese anime (and comics) don't come into English-speaking market.
I think one of the things that makes me like Anime is that you can never be shure of where the story will go next. I hawe seen some where the Hero dies goes crazy or kills his loved one. (Ruroni Kenshin Samurai X)
The good hawe ben beaten in some of them or there isnt any good guys in the Anime to begin with.
You can be chure of a Hollywood ending more often than not The good defeats the evil and the Hero gets the Girl lives happily everafter (to the Sequel) and so on.
Yeah, they're (usually) not driven by the market, so they don't have to be majority-pleasers.

And they can be totally OTT in terms of violence and action (Violence Jack, Ninja Scroll). Movies are starting to try but they just disppear up their own arse really (House Of Flying CGI Daggers and Kung Fu FX Hustle spring to mind..)

Then we have the anime apex: Legend Of The Overfiend!

I'll stop now, this is a family forum..
what i dont like about anime is the dialogs. perhaps it's the translation, but they sound somewhat crappy and that kills even the best anime like akira. B'sides it's kinda weird when the characters suddenly scream at one another. The relations between the characters are primitive and often are limited to either limitless hate or limitless love, and not to forget sudden betrayal. The dramatic moments are ofter stretched so much that they seem just stupid. Perhaps it's kinda tradition in japanese theatre or normal japanese behavior. Well, i guess kirubiru said it all.

2 the topic question
Neither! I like when it's in Russian, not in English :p
It's "You-gay-ho". (as in, you gay whore) That way is much better.

Yes. I could stand almost everything else if Japenese artists could do two things:
A) Lose the robots or demons. ONE TIME.
Let me elaborate on B. When someone attacks someone else with a sword/good kick/whatever, they do not obnoxiously shout the attack. Have you ever seen anyone run at you with a katana screaming "OVERHEAD SLASH!"? I know exactly where to block now, thanks, *******. Nor do they have their death prolonged by five minutes of shock and pain, when they get stabbed. They just fall over and die. There's no blank staring at the opponent going "How did you do this?!", because death doesn't wait. Not only that, but when you talk, you don't freeze all the other limbs of your body while only your lips move. I'm pretty sure that's downright impossible. I could go on forever.
I suppose the best anime I ever watched would have been a certain movie that I had a really long time ago, called Princess Mananoke or some such. I don't know how it would be spelled. It was about some young guy who was cursed joining forces with a chick that was risen by wolves, and he discovers what cursed him. I don't know if I'd still like it today though, I haven't watched it in a really long time.
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