Animation flags and their usage

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There is a whole list of flags used for using animations in the game engine and while many of them can be figured out with sheer reason and testing, some are not as clear for what they actually do. In my time as animation maker ive at times dealth with flags without the slightest of idea what do they actually do. If no-one has so far done so, perhaps it was a high time to list those that cause most folks headscratching and agony to their desks due to the amount of heads banged to them. I will start with my own experience with an certain animation flag, that ive infact found most useful, "acf_displace_position".

Now, what this flag does, is it allows for physically moving the agent affected by the animation during its runningtime, and this effect can have many uses. Ive used it for "force push" effect, Jump length booster, dodging roll motion and half-functional sprint feature, its a bit broken in the way how it loops.

Here is an example of an animation code that uses it.

["rolling_dodge", acf_enforce_all|acf_align_with_ground|acf_displace_position, amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_die|amf_play,
[0.8, "roll", 3, 65, arf_blend_in_1, 0, (0, 5.5, 0), 0],

the number, 5.5 in the later end of the animation is used for defining the distance agent affected by the animation moves during its running. Was the number with "-" mark before it, the agent would then move backwards. The 3 numbers in captions "(0, 5.5, 0)" are used for defining the axis by which the agent moves, im sorry that i cannot specify which one is the height defining one, for i can not remember. But it is easy to find out via testing.

However there are numerous others i dont exactly know what they do, such as












Even at just a glance some of these seem... unclear. So any information would be appreciated.

Animation flags are surely attributed to witchcraft, but let's see if I can debunk some of them.

acf_align_with_ground aligns the agent with the angle of the ground

acf_enforce_rightside rotates the right arm to the look direction (more than the rest of the upper body)

acf_parallels_for_look_slope seems to rotate the upper body towards the look direction aswell?

acf_rotate_body might work in the same way as acf_displace_position, but for rotation?

acf_ignore_slope forces the agent (obiously horses) to not align with the ground

amf_use_cycle_period no clue

amf_accurate_body more precise animation?

amf_client_prediction forces the animation to not sync with the server, or vise versa

amf_client_owner_prediction sends more precise animation info, like direction and frame to the server, for accurately combat calculations?

amf_use_inertia slows down the animation related to weapon mass?

arf_use_walk_progress agent speed affects the animation speed

arf_use_stand_progress no clue
arf_use_inv_walk_progress same as arf_use_walk_progress, but plays the animation in reverse
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