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random incounter, with an animal like a deer, if you slay it, you get food, come across larger packs, get more food.
set your men to hunt, and they will hunt for you.
Hmm... what's next?
Babality? :grin:
I hereby suggest moderator to close this topic before it will upset the astral plane by it's explosive stupidity :smile:.
This is really sad this has lasted longer than all my posted topics and its about absolutly nothing! THATS WHATS GREAT ABOUT IT

may the force guide you out of this topic
hunting has been posted many many many many many many many many many (etc. etc.) times, once by me with a poll, where over 70% of the voters wanted hunting.

Sooo... Armagan! Majority rules, m8 :grin:
And you couldn't just use the search function, or at least name your thread hunting instead of animality? That word reminds me of something else, totally unrelated. :eek:
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