And modders who would be so kind as to give me a hand?

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Hello, this is the first time i have posted. I have been trying for the past couple of days to add some roman weapons and armor to the game, but i have only succeeded in completely corrupting my game and having to reinstall. I would like to ask if maybe some modder who is not to busy would be so kind as to make these for me, seeing as i can not. Again any modders who can would be greatly appreiciated and thank you in advance

Gaius Marius
Welcome to the forum, GaiusMarius. :smile:

I hope someone is able to help you on this, but keep in mind that most of the serious modders are scrambling to get their mods up to speed with the latest version ... that or they are still adding and working on them. Or starting an entirely new mod in some cases. :wink:

Good luck with it and hope to see you around,

I could make you the weapons if you gave me the names of the weapons and armor , although im not sure if models can be added yet , and in anycase im hopeless at modelling.
Thanks for your replies, and thank you Narcissus for the welcome. WipperSnipper, the weapons i am trying to add are the Gladius and the Spatha(sp?), and the armors i am trying to add are the banded armorsm Lamata Segmenta(sp?) the Gallic Helm, and scrutum(sp? yet again) any help anyone could offer me, again would be much appreciated.

Gaius Marius
I sent an PM to one of the Legionary mod team members a pm to find out if the mod is still in the works, i checked there site. But it doesn't seem to have had alot of activity in a while

Gaius Marius
Theyve gone dormant waiting for mod tools. Im not sure if they are still going forward but Eagle114 appears to be doing one on the side as well simply called "roman mod".

If you get ahold of a .632 version of mount and blade from someone you can still download and play it. Its at an early stage but it has the weapons you want I think. It doesnt have any new models though, just stats, as you cant import models yet.
can you say little or no relevance?

EDIT: I was saying ninjamasterwarrior whatever's post had little relevance to this topic
My post had plenty of relevance. He posted in a three year old thread. Actually, im interested in how he FOUND a three year old thread to post in.
Be nice people. The forums say to reply in posts if you don't have to start a new thread.

He obviously searched "modelling problems" or something, and found this.

Of course, a bit more detail would have helped.

........and nevermind. I can see how he had to post these questions like seven times. Clarifying for us. :smile:
You have a point, but wouldnt the several threads on these things in The Forge have been better? (And easier to find?)
what I find bizarre is all he said here was some words of encouragement to someone who asked this in 2005, its MIND BOGGLING
Taimat396 said:
You have a point, but wouldnt the several threads on these things in The Forge have been better? (And easier to find?)

I vas veing sarcastic.
Necro mancer/bloody archaelogist, 3 years? Thats some digging. How many times has that guy been banned (I mean all the accounts hes made not just the ninja one.)
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