An Extra Item

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My player usually carries a sword, shield, a bow , and arrows. I want him to carry some throwing daggers, or maybe even an extra quiver. Is there a way to add an extra item slot in the game? If so, could someone point me in teh correct direction and/or explain how to do so? I would greatly appreciate it, as i see the moddign community here is extremely talented (thumbs up to AncientWanker. -GandalftheGrey, Throgrim, Raz, n00854180t, and anyone else involved in modding projects.).

Thank you,
Unfortunately, that's one of the things we can't change at this time. Sorry.

You could however increase the number of arrows in a quiver. For that matter, the number of bolts, throwing daggers, javelins, or whatever.
thanks for naming me, but I don't have that much sense of hard-coding. You should Pm gandalf, he's the more module-making guy.
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