An Apology to Maroon.

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Hey Maroon. It's me.

I'd like to ask you to please read the whole thing, if for no other reason than because I really considered you my friend.

I would like to ask if you could please unban me from Full Invasion 2: Osiris, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry first.

I'm sorry that I argued with you on the Discord and that I mentioned ranged weapon so many times.

And I wanted to mention that when I posted the screenshots for that Fire & Sword modded map wasn't me trying to say the maps that you guys make are crap or anything. I was simply just trying to give you guys an idea for a possible future map, that's all.

However, I would like to address something else while I can.

I honestly, in my heart of hearts, think you were lied to about me by some people.

Look Maroon, I'm a team player when it comes to co-op games or modes, and that means that I usually try to look out for the best interests of the team as a whole and not solely for the interests of the individual players as much.

I was never like "Ok slaves, do as I say!" when I got on a sever. If anything, my getting bossy at all had more to do with me getting irritated at the team when we lost to low level waves multiple times in a row.

I think the people who spread rumors about me were some of those players who only play for themselves, the sort who only care about getting their kills or points, even if it leads to the the rest of the team losing the game. And I think we've both seen those sorts of players on many other games as well over the years.

Now, I'm not going to try to lie to you and say that I'll never ever suggest or ask the team on a game to try to work together if we're having trouble, but I will try to show more patience in how I go about asking or trying to get the team to work together.

I honestly would just like to be able to enjoy the mod again, like anyone else.
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