An all Infantry Army

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I have recently begun experimenting with an all infantry army (composed primarily of vaegir gaurds and marksmen. I have found that (despite it's relatively slow speed), it is quite effective against mounted opponents. I routinely take out large raiding parties of dark knights without suffering a single loss. Does anyone else out there use all infanty armies, and what strategies do you find most effective.
Absolutley. I like a 2 to 1 mix of foot soldiers to archers/crossbowmen. Have em hold position on the side of a hill, then tell em to charge when the time is right. Cavalry can be easy to take out if you stick together.
Yeah I have an all infantry army. Its great fun and completely different to the usual 70% knights type army, and you end up with units like swadian sergeants and vaegir guards for a change on top of your ranged troops. Gets you good at archery.
Its a shame most of the polearms like pikes and poleaxes are so slow. I ended up using a bardiche or greataxe. You will find its boring on the world map and harder work in the arena when you get given a lance and horse!
A mix of cavalry and infantry is always useful as well. Usually I let them all dismount, and retreat behind the safe line of horses. The enemy charges in my horses, and while they stand still, I order my troops to butcher them. Works like a charm. :cool:
I just love kicking tha crap out of forest bandits with my swad sharpies, my men spwn, i tell them to hold position, the 5 or 6 horsemen comeover the hill, die immedieatly, then the foot soldier come running over the hill, only about 2 or 3 make it far enough to swing at me

even if u have horseman u can make them dismount allowing u to move faster in game map. then when u do battles always hold the lines because the best offense is a good defense of summat like that!!
Hope that helped buddy
My army is all mounted (Swadian Knights and the occasional Sword Sister), but that's purely for travelling speed. In battle I tend to dismount them and hold position within the maze of horses, which also act as barricades against enemy cavalry.
I had an all-infantry army of mostly Vaegir Marksmen for the longest time. They worked well usually, but it was hard to get them to take a good position. I'd ride up to the side of a hill with a good view of the impending battleground, issue the "Hold this position" command, and then watch them all bunch up at the bottom of the hill. Then when the enemy horsemen start arriving, they spend most of the time while the enemy is drawing close backing up and spreading out. In the end they're usually in a pretty good firing position, but they'd be much more effective if they'd assume that position when I tell them to, rather than waiting until after the enemy arrives.

Anyway, the other advantage of the all-infantry army is that they all stay together. My army is now about 50/50 between infantry and horse units, and if I decide to charge the enemy, half of my army arrives first and has to fight alone until the other half finally catches up. But then my tactics skill is so high they usually overwhelm the enemy anyway.
Yep, that happens to me too.

Instead of getting up a hill, they get charged.

When they are getting harged, at least stick together so you can bog down the cav? Noooo, they go spreading out and backing up to get cut up piecemeal.

That's when I charge in to try and save them or let them die for stupidity.
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