Amusing Historical quotes

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Informed Gentleman

Whilst clearly a matter of intepretation  I feel this topic may merit a thread.

Sidonius Apollinaris ( A Gallo-Roman senator who experienced the visigothic settlement and enchroachment of Roman rule in the 5th century AD).
The Visigoths had begun to augment their armies with Roman senators, sometimes conscripting them against their will.
Sidonius wrote a letter to one of these unfortunates,
It is no foolish pride of mine, but this alien dominance which makes my letters so few and far between; do not expect me to speak out; your own fears, similar to mine, explain the need for silence. One thing, however, I may freely lament, that sundered as we are by this whirlwind of warring forces, we have practically no chance of meeting one another. Alas! your harassed country never sees you except when the alien's formidable command bids you hide yourself in armour, while we on our side are covered by our ramparts. At such time you are led against your native land, an unwilling captive,1 to empty your quiver against |65 us while your eyes fill with tears. We bear you no ill will; we know that your prayers are otherwise directed than your missiles. [2] But as from time to time, without ratification of any treaty some semblance of a truce opens for us a casement on our darkness, bright with hope of liberation, I entreat you to let us hear from you as often as you can; for be sure that our besieged citizens preserve the kindliest thoughts of you and manage to forget the hateful part you play as their besieger. Farewell.
Rev G.R. Gleig on the Anglo-Afgan war, strangly applies to the modern conflict.
"a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, was acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated
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