Raybur Ravenloc
Theres a good chance this is just old news and unfixable.. but is it just me or does the speed bonus seem totally whacked out?
One time I'll be charging away from an enemy foot man, and he'll get 150% bonus.
Then I'll pin a guy in a corner where he cant move and attack for a -5% bonus.
Then I charge a guy from horseback and get 5%.
Then I charge a guy at the same speed and get 80%
Play with it a little, it just seems very buggy.
One time I'll be charging away from an enemy foot man, and he'll get 150% bonus.
Then I'll pin a guy in a corner where he cant move and attack for a -5% bonus.
Then I charge a guy from horseback and get 5%.
Then I charge a guy at the same speed and get 80%
Play with it a little, it just seems very buggy.