Altering weapons for arena/tournament battles in mission_template doesn't work?

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I've been experimenting using the post by TheMageLord that shows how to alter mission_templates.txt, and have come to the conclusion that with the latest patch it doesn't fully work.  You can alter equipment loads used in the normal arena battles fine, however tournaments seem to be another thing.  I'm guessing that whatever generates the arena content (number of people per side and their equipment load) for a tournament from the template overrides what is in the mission_template.txt (ie. depending on arena location and faction etc.).  So I'm guessing the only real way to change this is to look into the Python side of things, which is a pity.  All I wanted to do was give bowmen a backup weapon (eg. sword, heck even a dagger would be nice), as in the few occasions that the entries in mission_template.txt aren't overridden, this has (in my opinion) improved the tournament battles somewhat.  :mrgreen:

Either that or I've made a mistake somewhere I guess.  Here's the relevant section from my mission_templates.txt file:
mst_arena_melee_fight arena_melee_fight 1  -1

58 0 4112 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 42 28 
1 4112 447 16 1 2  3 42 
2 4112 447 16 1 4  3 17 42 28 
3 4112 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 42 28 
4 4112 447 16 1 4  2 12 18 42 
5 4112 447 16 1 3  2 11 42 
6 4112 447 16 1 3  3 17 42 
7 4112 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 42 28 
8 8208 447 16 1 4  2 12 18 43 
9 8208 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 43 29 
10 8208 447 16 1 2  3 43 
11 8208 447 16 1 4  2 11 43 29 
12 8208 447 16 1 5  2 12 18 17 43 
13 8208 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 43 29 
14 8208 447 16 1 2  3 43 
15 8208 447 16 1 3  2 11 43 
16 12304 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 44 30 
17 12304 447 16 1 3  3 44 30 
18 12304 447 16 1 4  3 17 44 30 
19 12304 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 44 30 
20 12304 447 16 1 5  2 12 18 44 30 
21 12304 447 16 1 3  2 11 44 
22 12304 447 16 1 3  3 17 44 
23 12304 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 44 30 
24 16400 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 45 31 
25 16400 447 16 1 3  3 45 31 
26 16400 447 16 1 4  3 17 45 31 
27 16400 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 45 31 
28 16400 447 16 1 5  2 12 18 45 31 
29 16400 447 16 1 3  2 11 45 
30 16400 447 16 1 3  3 17 45 
31 16400 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 45 31 
32 8208 447 16 1 1  3 
33 12304 447 16 1 1  9 
34 16400 447 16 1 2  2 11 
35 20496 447 16 1 1  9 
36 8208 447 16 1 3  2 12 18 
37 12304 447 16 1 2  2 11 
38 16400 447 16 1 1  3 
39 20496 447 16 1 1  9 
24 16400 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 3  3 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 4  3 17 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 5  2 12 18 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 3  2 11 45 
24 16400 447 16 1 3  3 17 45 
24 16400 447 16 1 5  10 11 17 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 45 31 
24 16400 447 16 1 6  2 12 18 17 45 31

BTW doesn't seem to matter (from my limited experiments) where I put the sword in the list of items.  At the start, at the end, or somewhere inbetween.  As I said, I'm fairly certain whatever generation code that uses this template is overriding certain settings in certain arenas depending on their location and possibly which faction owns them.

Just bought this game and am having a blast so far.  :mrgreen:

Edit: I just tried removing all bow entries from the above and replacing with something else.  Started a new game using the altered file, went to a tournament and nothing had changed.  Looks like I might have to learn how the module setup works if I want to alter this I guess?  Or has someone already done something like this (adding backup weapons for archers eg. dagger or sword)?  I'm trying to avoid using Python if I can. :smile:
You might not be editing the correct data.  I'm at work so I can't check easily, but I know I added swords to the bow guys in the module system and it worked fine (for tournaments, at least).  I think it's set in a script but there's been a significant volume of scotch in my recent past and can't remember.  If you're still stuck by the time I get home this evening, I can post more details.
I'm not near a module system either, but in 1.x they added a script for "get_tournament_weapons" or something like that, so the old method of assigning them in the mission template doesn't work anymore.
Ahh ok, thanks.  That explains a lot.  So I guess I'm going to have to download Python and do it the 'hard' way. :smile:  I love this game, but the whole 'archers without backup weapon' deal in Tournaments is the only thing that bothers me, especially as my luck is lousy and I end up as an archer a lot. :grin:  Which version of Python do I need to compile the latest version of the modules system?  I read it earlier, but can't find it now.  Never mind.  I'll have a poke around in it tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks again for the info guys!
If you might indulge my attempts to channel the spirit of TheMageLord for a moment, find your scripts.txt and find set_items_for_tournament.  In there you'll want to add the following stuff in red:
2106 2 1224979098644774926 1224979098644774916 2147483678 2 1224979098644774926 0 1942 3 792633534417207320 1224979098644774923 288230376151711746 1942 3 792633534417207320 1224979098644774923 288230376151711756 1942 3 792633534417207320 1224979098644774923 288230376151711762 5 0 31 2 1224979098644774924 1 2106 2 1224979098644774926 1224979098644774913 2147483678 2 1224979098644774926 0
This should add itm_practice_sword for any combatant (typically non-archers) that are sad enough to be sans both horses and cutlery.  At least, it does if I've done my homework correctly.  It's my only change in the script and there are no globals in question so it should be safe.  Pulled from working code, but YMMV. 

And believe me, working with the module system is way easier than making changes in text.
Well, it claims there is an error, and I'm pretty sure I've added what you've highlighted in exactly the same place.  Oh well, thanks for trying though!  Appreciated. :smile:

Edit: Hang on a moment.  I had a brain wave and realised that the counter at the start of the line needed to be incremented by 1 as we are adding an entry, not overwriting one (I should have thought of that when I first added it).  I did that and the game now loads.  Going to test it out now.

Edit: Well it sort of works.  I started a new game (seems you need to when you make these changes), and tried tournaments in different locations and factions.  Every single time (including every round) all participants were on horseback.  The only people I see on foot now are those who've lost their horse.  At least we know the text cut and paste worked though!

Edit: Downloaded and installed Python 2.6.2 and gotten it to compile the modules by following the guide on this forum.  Now I'm just trying to translate the script_set_items_for_tournament section.  I've not programmed in anything for a while now, but so far can follow what it does.  Just trying to work out how to add what I want.  Assuming I am looking at the right section of the python script.

Edit: Ok my changes seem to work.  Initially it looked like something was messed up, but I just had a battle with some archers who had swords for backup.  Thanks VERY much for all your help!  BTW I think the change you suggested worked fine, I just had rotten luck in the tournament fights.  The randomness of it doesn't seem to be as random as it could be sometimes. :smile:  Plus, well.. I like tinkering and it was an excuse to play with the module system. :wink:
You shouldn't have any trouble.  It's pretty straight forward, however if you do let me know and I'll post the changes I made.  Mine aren't anything fancy but they did the trick.
hi kt0

is it possible to just deactivate the script that overrides the arena weapons selection in mission_templates? how do i disable the script, can i just delete the entry in scripts.txt?

This would be tricky to do in txt.  Probably the best way is to not call set_items_for_tournament at all which is done in mno_tournament_join_next_fight in mnu_town_tournament.  If you could determine the offset for the script you could find the call_script calls and remove them but that's going to be error prone.
i see.  i was thinking it would be a simple matter of replacing a number that would turn the script on/off, but it seems more complicated than that :smile:

in the modified script you gave, which numbers refer to the items and what items are these? i want my tournament entrants to appear with a sword always, but no horses.

For the stuff above in red, here's the breakdown:
  1942 is the opcode, in this case, mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item (listed in
  3 is the number of arguments to the op
  792633534417207320 is the template number (B00000000000018 in hex, so mission template #24)
  288230376151711746 is the item number (400000000000002 in hex, so item #2 or practice sword)

Practice horse is index 17 in Native or 288230376151711761 if I've done my math right.  So you could technically find every location in set_items_for_tournament where they have a 1942 with a trailing 288230376151711761 and set it to a sword or something.  There's an easier way (you can set the chance to get a horse to zero).  Ifn' you did that, it would look something like this:

set_items_for_tournament -1
91 23 2 1224979098644774912 2133 2 1224979098644774912 0 1 23 2 1224979098644774913 2 23 2 1224979098644774914 3 23 2 1224979098644774915 4 23 2 1224979098644774916 5 23 2 1224979098644774917 6 23 2 1224979098644774918 7 23 2 1224979098644774919 8 23 2 1224979098644774920 9 23 2 1224979098644774921 10 2120 3 1224979098644774922 1224979098644774914 1224979098644774915 2105 2 1224979098644774922 1224979098644774919 ...

The first number in red (91) is the number of instructions in the script, I've added one for the other bit in red but yours is probably different.  The first instruction is (store_script_param, ":horse_chance", 1), which reads the first parameter out of the caller and sets it to the local ":horse_chance".  The second bit in red is new and basically (assign, ":horse_chance", 0) setting it back to zero.  So this way there'd be no way to get a horse because the probability is always zero.  This may or may not work; txt hackery is tricky stuff.

Really, though, at this point it's *way* easier to do it with the module system.  Hacking this kind of stuff up in txt files is error prone at best.

mucho thanks!  i'll give this a try. 

in the meantime, i tried another hack using the item editor, and it seems to be working: i made the practice bow and crossbow into swords, and their corresponding ammo into shields.  it seems to be working, but i'll really need to hack the text file to eliminate the horses.
My apologies, Steam had serious issues for me and I had to reinstall everything, which meant I lost all the games (didn't have them all backed up).  So I've been away a while -- plus got distracted by other things.

My changes were pretty simple.  You might not need them now, but I'll post what I did here just in case someone else does.  As there are two main types of arena battles (tournaments with a large cash prize for the winner, and the normal arena battles where you earn a tiny amount per opponent defeated) there are two places you edit relevant equipment.  Number 1) is for tournaments and number 2) is for normal arena battles.  I think number 2) affects training fights too, but I don't remember exactly.  It's been a while since I played or meddled with any of this.

1) Added weapon override for all archers to include a backup practice sword for all tournament fights in section 'set_items_for_tournament' of
''.  You could remove horses here too I believe from memory.
  # script_set_items_for_tournament
  # Input: arg1 = horse_chance, arg2 = lance_chance (with horse only), arg3 = sword_chance, arg4 = axe_chance, arg5 = bow_chance (without horse only), arg6 = javelin_chance (with horse only), arg7 = mounted_bow_chance (with horse only), arg8 = crossbow_sword_chance, arg9 = armor_item_begin, arg10 = helm_item_begin
  # Output: none (sets mt_arena_melee_fight items)
      (store_script_param, ":horse_chance", 1),
      (store_script_param, ":lance_chance", 2),
      (store_script_param, ":sword_chance", 3),
      (store_script_param, ":axe_chance", 4),
      (store_script_param, ":bow_chance", 5),
      (store_script_param, ":javelin_chance", 6),
      (store_script_param, ":mounted_bow_chance", 7),
      (store_script_param, ":crossbow_sword_chance", 8),
      (store_script_param, ":armor_item_begin", 9),
      (store_script_param, ":helm_item_begin", 10),
      (store_add, ":total_chance", ":sword_chance", ":axe_chance"),
      (val_add, ":total_chance", ":crossbow_sword_chance"),
      (try_for_range, ":i_ep", 0, 32),
        (mission_tpl_entry_clear_override_items, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep"),
        (assign, ":has_horse", 0),
        (store_div, ":cur_team", ":i_ep", 8),
          (store_random_in_range, ":random_no", 0, 100),
          (lt, ":random_no", ":horse_chance"),
          (assign, ":has_horse", 1),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_horse"),
          (eq, ":has_horse", 1),
          (store_add, ":cur_total_chance", ":total_chance", ":lance_chance"),
          (val_add, ":cur_total_chance", ":javelin_chance"),
          (val_add, ":cur_total_chance", ":mounted_bow_chance"),
          (store_add, ":cur_total_chance", ":total_chance", ":bow_chance"),
        (store_random_in_range, ":random_no", 0, ":cur_total_chance"),
        (store_add, ":cur_shield_item", "itm_arena_shield_red", ":cur_team"),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":sword_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
            (store_random_in_range, ":sub_random_no", 0, 100),
            (lt, ":sub_random_no", 50),
            (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_sword"),
            (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_shield_item"),
#            (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_shield"),
            (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_heavy_practice_sword"),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":axe_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_axe"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_shield_item"),
#         (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_shield"),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":crossbow_sword_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_sword"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_crossbow"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_bolts"),
          (eq, ":has_horse", 0),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":bow_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_sword"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_bow"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_arrows"),
          (eq, ":has_horse", 1),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":lance_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_lance"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_shield_item"),
#          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_shield"),
          (eq, ":has_horse", 1),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":javelin_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_javelin"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_shield_item"),
#          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_shield"),
          (eq, ":has_horse", 1),
          (val_sub, ":random_no", ":mounted_bow_chance"),
          (lt, ":random_no", 0),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_sword"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_bow"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", "itm_practice_arrows"),
          (ge, ":armor_item_begin", 0),
          (store_add, ":cur_armor_item", ":armor_item_begin", ":cur_team"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_armor_item"),
          (ge, ":helm_item_begin", 0),
          (store_add, ":cur_helm_item", ":helm_item_begin", ":cur_team"),
          (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, "mt_arena_melee_fight", ":i_ep", ":cur_helm_item"),

2) Added practice sword to archer equipment for normal arena battles in the section 'arena_melee_fight' of ''.
    "You enter a melee fight in the arena.",
      (0,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_red, itm_red_tourney_helmet]),
      (1,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword, itm_arena_tunic_red]),
      (2,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_red, itm_red_tourney_helmet]),
      (3,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_red, itm_red_tourney_helmet]),
      (4,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows, itm_arena_tunic_red]),
      (7,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_red, itm_red_tourney_helmet]),

      (11,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_1,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_sword,itm_practice_shield,itm_arena_tunic_blue, itm_blue_tourney_helmet]),

      (16,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),
      (17,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),
      (18,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),
      (19,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),
      (20,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),
      (23,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_green, itm_green_tourney_helmet]),

      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (25,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (26,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (27,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (28,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (31,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (32, mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_1,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword]),
      (34,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_sword, itm_practice_shield]),
      (36, mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_1,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_sword,itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows]),
      (37,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_2,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_sword, itm_practice_shield]),
#40-49 not used yet
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_heavy_practice_sword,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_lance,itm_practice_shield,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),
      (24,mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_3,af_override_all,aif_start_alarmed,1,[itm_practice_bow,itm_practice_arrows,itm_practice_horse,itm_arena_tunic_yellow, itm_gold_tourney_helmet]),

      (50, mtef_scene_source,af_override_horse|af_override_weapons|af_override_head,0,1,[]),
      (51, mtef_visitor_source,af_override_horse|af_override_weapons|af_override_head,0,1,[]),
      (52, mtef_scene_source,af_override_horse,0,1,[]),
#not used yet:
      (53, mtef_scene_source,af_override_horse,0,1,[]),(54, mtef_scene_source,af_override_horse,0,1,[]),(55, mtef_scene_source,af_override_horse,0,1,[]),
#used for torunament master scene

      (56, mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0, af_override_all, aif_start_alarmed, 1, [itm_practice_sword, itm_practice_shield, itm_padded_cloth, itm_segmented_helmet]),
      (57, mtef_visitor_source|mtef_team_0, af_override_all, aif_start_alarmed, 1, [itm_practice_sword, itm_practice_shield, itm_padded_cloth, itm_segmented_helmet]),

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