Ally reinforcements in ongoing fights

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I have a suggestion of how could be implemented easily a way from anothers parties join a fighting already in curse, the player fighting or not.

When the battle starts, nearby parties who could have a interest in the fighting (belongs or is allied to one of the figiting parties) have a chance (in %) of join the fight as reinforcement. This chance should be greater at daylight, for obvious reason.

While the player is roaming the world map, another parties should join fights as well, but only if there is a hope to win. Maybe should be a limit of how many parties can join too ( one allied per side is fine).
I agree that that should be implemented. It is I think more realistic than the current situation...
it would be nice to be able to attack two enemy groups who are fighting eachother aswell (if the vaegirs are fighting a group of bandits i want to jump in and whack away at both of them)
it would be nice to be able to attack two enemy groups who are fighting eachother aswell (if the vaegirs are fighting a group of bandits i want to jump in and whack away at both of them)

Now *that* would be the coolest thing ever!

I cannot express how much I would like that solution.
Wonderful idea! Just imagine all the tactical possibilities that it would unfold.

How that can be implemented: in the pre-battle option screen, add the options, when appropriate,
1- "side with [whatever]"
2- "side with [whatever else]"
3- "go against all" (or something)
apart from the "don't get involved" one that is already there.

If you choose 3 and you are too menacing a group, there should be a big chance that (a) the smaller group takes the opportunity to escape, and so you are left fighting with the other one, or even (b) they temporarely ally against you, so a normal fight against joint oponent forces starts (either case, you cannot retreat). Else, it is free for all fun!

Possible approximate algorithm for the AI in an "all against all" scenario: AI selects its next target/opponent as it does now, i.e. the foe that minimises his distance to the AI with some sort of precedence for dangerousity (like someone shooting agaist the AI), but weight that with overall dangersoity of the potential target's side. In other words AI should tend to go against the biggest group first if it can.
Is there anyway to increase performance on large battles?

We can't add too many troops in there with the 40 limit, and increasing it to 80 I already get FPS down to 20's if the enemy has 40 horseman and my side 30, turning off everything in the settings don't help much, if at all.

I would love huge battlefields with multiple parties joining the brawl but I wonder if I could play it with more than 40 men on the battlefield.
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