Allow switching of horses during combat

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I was in a rather large battle during which my horse got knoced out, "haha!" I thought, "I have another back with the rest of my equipment and I'm not that far from it", off I ran.

Several Dark Hunters were on my tail as I clambered up the side of a hill, arrows landing mere inches from my feet. I reached my equipment just in time, grabbed the spare horse I had, put it in my horse slot and thought "now I'll show 'em" only to find that my second horse didn't want to enter the battle and so didn't appear on the map.

so in short, I would like it if I could switch horses during a battle the same way I can with weaponry.
mongols used to travel with two horses, one for travelling and one fresh for fighting :smile:

but this game is not related with mongols eheh btw mongols had developed their special crossbows which can be reloaded even if you are mounted.
How would you fit a horse into that little bag?

Same way you can fit 10 Lances, 5 Longswords, 20 days worth of food for 60 men and still have room for your enemies armour and shields once you've slaughtered them
uh, crossbows do farrrrrrrrr more damage then regular bows, but reload mega slow. bows do more damage over time though.
Well, that all depends. If you get your strength and power draw up, bows can easily do more damage than crossbows.

[edit] Plus bows get bodkin arrows and the like. Crossbows only get the "big bag o' bolts" as their special ammunition. [/edit]
The game don't feature the heaviest (and slowest) crossbows - a windlass crossbow has an awesome power but takes ages (one minute) to reload.

A well trained archer (english longbwmen are the prime example) could use really powerfull bows. The trainign was intense enough that archeologist are bale to identify longbowmen's skeletons...

This brings in an idea : rather than tie bows use strictly by strength, they might be rated by power draw level (sort of like horses and riding). A sword-swinger, no matter how beefy, if not proprely trained for bow might have troubles.
Manu said:
The game don't feature the heaviest (and slowest) crossbows - a windlass crossbow has an awesome power but takes ages (one minute) to reload.

A well trained archer (english longbwmen are the prime example) could use really powerfull bows. The trainign was intense enough that archeologist are bale to identify longbowmen's skeletons...

This brings in an idea : rather than tie bows use strictly by strength, they might be rated by power draw level (sort of like horses and riding). A sword-swinger, no matter how beefy, if not proprely trained for bow might have troubles.

Isn't that already modelled by the bow skill level?
Well, in fact, Turkish bowmen are prime example - there is a thread where I've given them a lot of praise :smile:.
They had composite 160lb-pull bows (way superiour to usual longbows) that could be easily used on horse, fired from it and yet penetrate heavy armor at greater distances.
Of course, Welsh bowmen were no whimps... but not only when you compare them to mid-eastern bowmen. :smile:
Perturbatio said:
I was in a rather large battle during which my horse got knoced out, "haha!" I thought, "I have another back with the rest of my equipment and I'm not that far from it", off I ran.

Several Dark Hunters were on my tail as I clambered up the side of a hill, arrows landing mere inches from my feet. I reached my equipment just in time, grabbed the spare horse I had, put it in my horse slot and thought "now I'll show 'em" only to find that my second horse didn't want to enter the battle and so didn't appear on the map.

so in short, I would like it if I could switch horses during a battle the same way I can with weaponry.

Why dont better run to a horse from a guy you killed earlier and clamber on it? I did that in a battle. My horse was killed so I ran to the next lonelly horse and jumped on. Voila, new horse for the rest of the battle! :smile:
Here are my thoughts on the horse issue. I really do not think that horses should be in your "stash"... maybe if you have spare horses on your person at the beginning of a battle they spawn in your team's starting point. That way they will always be there if you need them.

Also, I really do not think that horses should fade away if you kill or knock out their rider. The horses should stay on screen, it is really confusing that sometimes I can mount a horse that I knocked the rider off of and sometimes I cannot. Another thing is that whenever a horse is left on the battlefield, you should have the option of taking that horse with you... this was a huge thing in medieval combat... to try not to kill the horse and just get the rider off of it... because horses were so valuable back then.
Blade said:
Perturbatio said:
I was in a rather large battle during which my horse got knoced out, "haha!" I thought, "I have another back with the rest of my equipment and I'm not that far from it", off I ran.

Several Dark Hunters were on my tail as I clambered up the side of a hill, arrows landing mere inches from my feet. I reached my equipment just in time, grabbed the spare horse I had, put it in my horse slot and thought "now I'll show 'em" only to find that my second horse didn't want to enter the battle and so didn't appear on the map.

so in short, I would like it if I could switch horses during a battle the same way I can with weaponry.

Why dont better run to a horse from a guy you killed earlier and clamber on it? I did that in a battle. My horse was killed so I ran to the next lonelly horse and jumped on. Voila, new horse for the rest of the battle! :smile:

I've tried that and the available horse just goes transparent and seems to disappear! It's still there because I do bump into it. But I'll keep trying.
Lascivius Lam said:
Here are my thoughts on the horse issue. I really do not think that horses should be in your "stash"... maybe if you have spare horses on your person at the beginning of a battle they spawn in your team's starting point. That way they will always be there if you need them.

Also, I really do not think that horses should fade away if you kill or knock out their rider. The horses should stay on screen, it is really confusing that sometimes I can mount a horse that I knocked the rider off of and sometimes I cannot. Another thing is that whenever a horse is left on the battlefield, you should have the option of taking that horse with you... this was a huge thing in medieval combat... to try not to kill the horse and just get the rider off of it... because horses were so valuable back then.

Yes, exactly my thought. Horses shouldn't disappear, and all horses should be robbed. (usually the horse aren't dead, only injured. And them horsies can heal anyway.)
Lascivius Lam said:
Also, I really do not think that horses should fade away if you kill or knock out their rider.

I think the horses fade away only if you're not skilled enought to ride them.

I agree about taking horses left on the battlefield, also if you go into a battle and kill a horseman then take his horse and flee the battle the horse mysteriosly disappears from under you, that has to be fixed.
With the number of horses in a battle, I can see how making them un-robbable is a game play issue. (Hint: it's the same reason every dark knight doesn't drop black armor.)

It is, however, a pretty badass feeling to knock a knight down and ride his horse around for the duration of the fight. While fading is probably there to handle traffic jams and speed up rendering, extending the timeout a little bit to increase horse jacking could be pretty fun.
In large knight battles, having all the horses stay could be a problem. How about if you just set it so there can only be like...5 unmounted horses at once or something. Either way, horses really shouldn't disappear in the arena. I have a rather funny story involving my horse, happened last night. It was me and some militia against a bunch of raiders, all on horseback of course. They were traveling through a river, and i was on the cliff above, so i got off my horse to get a better shot at them. Once the started to make it up the bank, i attempted to order my infantry to charge...however accidentally hit "4" instead of "3" which ordered them to mount horses. And own guy stole my horse, didn't dismount when i ordered him too, he ran off, and i was mercilessly slaughtered.
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