Allow reloading of crossbows on horsback

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But only a light crossbow (if they exist, if not why not dammit! :wink: ) and only if you aren't moving (either that or make steering trickier whilst doing it).
light crossbows don't need to be uncommon, they have a lesser range, do less damage but have the advantage of being lighter and easier to handle (thus reloading them on horseback is not outwith the realms of possibility).
Three historical wstern types wer usable on horsback :

* lightest design, reloadable by hand
* goat's foot : used a lever systemmounted to set the bow
* cranequin : used a cog winch to reload

Chinese repeating crossbow could probably be used on horseback too, but was somewhat crappy in hitting power.
Manu said:
Three historical wstern types wer usable on horsback :
* lightest design, reloadable by hand
* goat's foot : used a lever systemmounted to set the bow
* cranequin : used a cog winch to reload
I knew about the other two but I hadn't read or thought about the lightest design. It would be straightforward to add that to the game! :smile:

Nice thread...
The hand-reloadable ones were nothing fancy, just fitted with a bow weak enough that you could block with one hand and pullb ack with the other. It had about half the power of the claw and belt design (with a ring to put your feet and a hooked belt to catch the rope and pull it)
Allowing them to be reloaded on horseback would get rid of bows.
There would be no reason to use them anymore.

Currently its speed and mobility vs accuracy and power.
yeah but a hand reloadable one is still slower, awkward, shorter range than a good bow and not all that powerful :grin:

Maybe it could randomly make you fall off your horse when you reload it ^^
A simple tradeoff - let smaller crossbows be reloadable on horseback, but take 2-3 times as long. I mean, it's hard to keep your hands steady while thundering along on a moving animal, isn't it?
Guess you could be forced to stop the horse before you can re-load. This would mean the bow is still better from horse back, but crossbow people could still do a little from horseback.
Me said:
Guess you could be forced to stop the horse before you can re-load. This would mean the bow is still better from horse back, but crossbow people could still do a little from horseback.

that's what I suggested in my first post :smile:
Perturbatio said:
Me said:
Guess you could be forced to stop the horse before you can re-load. This would mean the bow is still better from horse back, but crossbow people could still do a little from horseback.

that's what I suggested in my first post :smile:

Opps, well just shows you what a good idea it was, heh.
If you look at medieval total war they had a few mounted crossbow men. Took them an age to get through there ammo since they shot so slowly and weakly.
Crossbow reloading on horseback while riding? Maybe, but only w/ hand crossbows, and they were that weak that they couldn't pierce ever hardened leather!
So it could be quite a good idea to allow reloading while a horse stands still... But I thought of one more thing - a loaded crossbow's bolt lies freely waiting for a string to pull him forward, and if you'll ride your horse with quite a big speed your bolt will just drop!
So it will be more realistic if you won't be able even to shoot while horse's moving, and if you've reloaded a crossbow and start riding, you lose a bolt (maybe w/ some chance, about 10*mount_speed%, that doesn't matter much).
To sum it up:
Crossbows that can be fired from the horse are just not worth using/making.
They'll be weaker then bows, and with longer reload time... and STR requirement to boot (hand-drawn variety). Anyone still want it? I don't.
Yeah. Horse crossbows were more expensive and less effective than small recurve bows, but people still made the crossbows, and other people bought 'em.
To sum it up:
Crossbows that can be fired from the horse are just not worth using/making.
They'll be weaker then bows, and with longer reload time... and STR requirement to boot (hand-drawn variety). Anyone still want it? I don't.

Umph... No, crossbows will still be effective against shield-wearers because of their bonus damage against shields, and, imho, bolts pierce armor much better than arrows, so if Armagan adds some armor-piercing stuff to crossbows, it'll balance things up and make crossbows an unmatched weapon against heavy-armored death machines =), even the hand-drawn ones.
Nah, then we'd just hear a lot of complaining about how mounted crossbows are too weak. Best just nip this one in the bud.
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