
I'd like to be able to make alliances when your relation with a country is above a certain level. Like in Sword of Damocles, my relation with swadia is 96, and I helped them with their enemies (Slowly Expanding with my own kingdom), I'd just like to help them more than just defending their Caravans, I'd like more to do with relation, like, you talk to a lord and help him get back his castle from the Khergits, or you proclaim your selves allies and then you can help each other out by defending eachothers caravans and villages and stuff.
I'd even like to help and join up in Swadias little Campaigns and not watch them pitifully wander in large groups and instead, me and Swadia team up against our foes.
So, in Summary, not just Declare War, Declare Allies, either, that raises relation to 40, but you have to be at like 5-10 with them from before. Then depending on actions taken after that, will either raise or lower relation, say, Harlaus asks you to help him take back a castle for one of his lords, and you don't show up, -2 relation to the Alliance, so your down to 38, but you show up, +2.
I'd just like to not just be the only kingdom left around after completely wiping off the face of the earth my competition. I'd like to leave the wittle brother kingdom. Cmere harlaus, you can Ride with big brother on his mustang.
I'd even like to help and join up in Swadias little Campaigns and not watch them pitifully wander in large groups and instead, me and Swadia team up against our foes.
So, in Summary, not just Declare War, Declare Allies, either, that raises relation to 40, but you have to be at like 5-10 with them from before. Then depending on actions taken after that, will either raise or lower relation, say, Harlaus asks you to help him take back a castle for one of his lords, and you don't show up, -2 relation to the Alliance, so your down to 38, but you show up, +2.
I'd just like to not just be the only kingdom left around after completely wiping off the face of the earth my competition. I'd like to leave the wittle brother kingdom. Cmere harlaus, you can Ride with big brother on his mustang.