All versions: Looking down upon area loading

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Big J Money

This has been bothering me ever since I bought the game, and I don't know why I've waited this long to mention it. I don't see it mentioned, so I can only assume I'm the only person who encounters this bug. Every time the game loads an area, my character is looking down by default. This is especially annoying in the Training and Arena, because I have to first look up and then orient myself, giving my enemies the jump on me. It's also just generally annoying to have to look up every time I load into any area in the game.

=$= Big J Money =$=
I've noticed this in town, the arena, and the training area.

Don't seem to remember it happening in regular battles, but I might just be used to it. :razz:

Nice catch, Money. I've gotten so used to it, that I never even thought of posting about it.
By the way, I'd like to add that it is probably not noticable if you play the game in 3rd person mode. When you play in 1st person is when it is very, very annoying!

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