Alien Face on (turned off) TV.

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Alien Face on (turned off) TV.
(Look in this link to see 2 of old black and white pictures)

Mike says," I have an addition for your collection which causes me to write this to you. A friend of mine (who wishes to remain anonymous) showed me this photo over a year ago. It was taken In New Jersey about 1987. It is presently in the possession of his girlfriend who got it from the woman who took it. This woman was taking a picture of her grandkid. The scene is a typical living room with the kid in one of those kiddie walker things. In the background of the photo is a TV. The TV was off. You can see the halo from the flash on the screen. But you can also see an ALIEN face in the screen - very clearly. Very malevolent looking. I have black-barred out the kid's eyes. I know enough about computers and retouching etc, to know that this could have been faked if someone really wanted it to be. But having held this photo in my hand and examined this photo plus having worked in print production in NYC I have determined for me that this is no fake".

Consider it shared. And this thing gives me the creeps.

Since this picture look very old, and I know there are very powerful of technology that can easily doctor the picture now but, this picture look like it wasn't doctor while it was posted a very long time ago.

However, I am still somewhere sketical (misspelling?) about this pic. If these pictures are not hoax, I'd be damned. I'd like to see what all of you think about these pictures and story.


Eagle out...
Its just a reflection.

Look at the upper left hand side of the 'head'. You can clearly make out a picture of the kid hanging on the wall. Can't quite make out whats causing the shadows, looks like it could be a sofa or similar.
Crappit! My cover has been blown! Darn you all I was so close to world domination! GAH
This reminds me of when my ex kept complaining about ghosts in her room, so I went to investigate and scare them all away with my macho. Turned out she was just skitzo (and an alcoholic) [and a slut].

and I hate her.
Archonsod said:
Its just a reflection.

Of an alien's face? Im also sceptical, but has anyone else noticed the profile of both alien and baby are exactly the same? If that was my kid I would watch it closely...
Doesn't work. The TV isn't at the right angle to show the kid in profile.

You can tell its a reflection because of the way the shape appears. I don't know the technical terms, but the light is coming in from the left of telly, causing the shape, while the reflection is more straight on.

Muck around with monitors and anit-glare measures long enough and you can spot these things easily...
An even if you are wrong, The image could still be photoshopped. For all we know the whole site that the image is on could be a hoax. Or a hoax of a hoax. or a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax
Rabid Potatoe said:
An even if you are wrong, The image could still be photoshopped. For all we know the whole site that the image is on could be a hoax. Or a hoax of a hoax. or a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax of a hoax

Or that could just be what They want you to think.
The shear size of the alien's head on the TV is mind-boggling. Were it standing far enough away not to be noticed by the person taking the photograph, I imagine its head would have to at least the size of a large pilates(spelling?) ball for the reflection to be this big. Thus I am rather sceptical about its authenticity. For all those people creeped out by the picture they would probably laugh if they saw an alien with a head that big and could probably escape it easily merely by walking through a normal sized door.
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