Aiming your weapon from horseback

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Am I the only one who is annoyed about aiming your two-handed axe form a horseback?
There is, as I get it, 3 possible swings with your axe form a horseback, if you take it by the yellow arrows. Swing to the left of the horse, to the right side, and an arrow pointing straight forward, ment to be a stab option? The problem is, when my horse takes an unfortunate charge and is brought to a halt, and 7 bandits close in on me, the only option I have is this "stab" arrow, and when I click the house nothing happens - so I have to wheel the screen into a sick position to make a left side swing with the axe - that takes time, damage to me and the horse, and is quite annoying. Could it please be fixed so that you with a twohanded weapon on a horse only get the two swing options?
The arrows will appear based on the last mouse movement, if you looking straight forward+down the forward/stab arrow will appear. Howveer you cannot Stab with an axe, so I would ask Armagan to disable, stab arrows while using an Axe.

If you say, had a sword instead of an Axe, you would stab with it. Which you can aim down and stab people. But you cannot stab with an Axe.
Excellent :grin:
I will just have to live with a beating from time to time then - so far it has not costed me more than 25 hitpoints at the most (I love my black armor)
As long as we're talking about arrows though, I'd like to voice another concern of mine. The aforementioned stab arrow doesn't seem to want to appear at all unless I'm actually looking right at an enemy, heading for him in a straight line. Sometimes, that can be difficult to line up with an enemy breathing down on you. Perhaps that could be ameliorated?
Well mostly when you perfrom a ride-by on an enemy, it will harm him much more to slash - so the game does that automatically I guess. But when standing still, a stab is better :smile:
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