AI vs. Couched Lance

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I'm not sure whether to put it here or in the bug forum, but the AI never seems to put their shields up when about to be hit with a couched lance. I definately think that this should be implemented. It would help nerf lances, and be much more realistic.
That's because couched lance can't be blocked :twisted:

It wouldn't nerf lances it would make them much much stronger, since the only way to counter a lance is by attacking first (or running away)x
In Zendar tavern, Dranton says couched lance can not be blocked in any way but I have definitely blocked it with shield several times in tournament. The message "couched lance damage" appears, but no damage. My couched lance attack has also been blocked by shield a few times.
I think it can also be blocked by sword but I am not sure about this.
You can block the lance attack with a shield or with a weapon, you just can't block anything with a lance because it is stricty an attack type weapon.
I don't think you can block couched lance with weapon, since weapon block reacts on the attack and couching is "no attack" in the game. You can definitely block with the shield, though the shield absorbs massive damage. I have seen AI dodging my charging horse quite well, though AI should definitely try to use the shield in the last moment if it cannot dodge.
THe arena AI is the smartest and have very good atletics compared to others. THey dodge my lances, tohugh not as much as in .632...
Kamamura said:
I don't think you can block couched lance with weapon, since weapon block reacts on the attack and couching is "no attack" in the game. You can definitely block with the shield, though the shield absorbs massive damage. I have seen AI dodging my charging horse quite well, though AI should definitely try to use the shield in the last moment if it cannot dodge.

Actually, you can indeed block a couched lance (at least in 0.702, not sure about 0.703) with some weapons. I'm glad too, otherwise I'd be dog meat in the arena when I start on foot using a two-handed sword, facing a charging lancer from the other team. :eek:
Just hold the block key down with a sword, and you'll block all lance strikes, including couched. I do it all the time.
Now, that doesn't mean you can't take damage; if the horse tramples you at all, it'll knock you off guard for a second, and the AI can hit you at that time. Thankfully at that point you don't have to worry about couched damage.
Lance is 100% blockable by shield. Since AI is much better at couching now, using shields makes much more sence now.
A couched lance is definately blockable by shield. The problem is, the AI never tries to use their shields to block it. Hence, many of them could have gotten away with a shattered shield rather then dead.

I believe this is because the AI is only programmed to block when confronted by someone ready to shoot/swing/thrust. Since the couched lance is automatically lowered, the threat would never register.
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