AI too easy?

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I've been playing the game for 2 days and I have to say its quite amazing (especially for 12 dollars). However it seems the AI needs some work. Being able to kill 56 dark knights by one self with a war sword while the rest of my army sits back holding the spawn is not right. Does anyone else have the same problem?

I was thinking about placing this in the suggestions but I was also wondering if someone knows which file to look at to mod the number of arrows/bolts in a large bag (+1 arrow just isn't enough).
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: it does get a bit easy to kill em, just set the difficulty as high as you can, by setting the damage higher and making the AI the best.

It does get a bit old when you are knockin out searaiders with a hammer and some rocks.,

I think the worst problem with AI is timing in combat, especially when AI is mounted. They usually hit too early, and give their enemy chance for counterattack. But I don't think AI programming is too easy anyway.
They actually hit too late. I get my swipe in a fraction of a second before they do.

Try Mag 7 mod as it gives the dark knights the equivalent of coursers. The trashy saddle horse is really what holds them back. With nightmares (black coursers), they are quite dangerous at times.
I have the same problem with my current character.

He's a level 38, with a reinforced black helmet, reinforced black armor, black greaves, a reinforced steel shield, a balanced sword of war, a great lance and throwing axes, riding a spirited courser.

I can easily take out parties of 40~50 dark knights (never found bigger) just holding "->" and clicking away.
I have the same problem with my current character.

He's a level 38, with a reinforced black helmet, reinforced black armor, black greaves, a reinforced steel shield, a balanced sword of war, a great lance and throwing axes, riding a spirited courser.

I can easily take out parties of 40~50 dark knights (never found bigger) just holding "->" and clicking away.

The spirited courser is the key. That and the war sword is all I need for the knights
I dunno, I was watchin a single Viking kill about 4 of my Knights alone, he would swing at one, knock him back a few feet and then turn around to block the guy behind him. Was pretty impressive to watch him, he killed about 3 of em before I went down there and lanced his ass.
Were those knights mounted? How do horsemen get knocked back by infantry? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Though I must say that AI knights don't take advantage of the knockdown effect of their horse and actually hampers their damage dealing ability.
Na, they were foot Knights, they had longswords and heraldric/heather shields, pretty deadly, thats why I was suprised to see the Viking do so well with his two handed Axe. He was probably doing so well because of the reach of that thing, and the fact he was forcing the Knights uphill.
I'm sure that Captain Kirk would turn these creatures around and teach them that its OK to kill a greedy young *****. Scotty! I need warp factor five! You are fired. And then Spock would say " It is logical Captain."
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