It would be nice if an additional parameter was added to a unit for Threat decisions, based on number of units already attacking a single unit. It's more pronounced on the 'Charge!' command, but 'follow me' and 'hold here' have similar issues.
The AI goes after the closest target, period.
It would be nice if it could determine that 'Hey, 3 of my guys are already chasing that horse around the map! Let me go after someone else.'
Mostly this comes into play when you're arguing with say, Crossbow deserters or a Forest Bandits, where a single horse has your army tracking around the map, sucking arrow after arrow because not one of 'em are bright enough to go smack the archer upside the head.
The AI goes after the closest target, period.
It would be nice if it could determine that 'Hey, 3 of my guys are already chasing that horse around the map! Let me go after someone else.'
Mostly this comes into play when you're arguing with say, Crossbow deserters or a Forest Bandits, where a single horse has your army tracking around the map, sucking arrow after arrow because not one of 'em are bright enough to go smack the archer upside the head.