AI Priority Bug

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This has been an issue for a few patches, and I can only assume it is a bug.

The context:
After picking the Asarai as my raiding targets, I raided a village, was interrupted by 120 dudes coming to gallop over me, so I fled all the way to the west landbridge to their land to be a tricky trickster.

Now here's where it gets weird, Im zoomed out while traveling and run healong into 300 very angry men on horses. I get caught and trampled, (as you do), and then half the the entire Asarai military continued to accumulate around the party holding me as a prisoner. They are in no wars to justify this. (first mistake, they treat even a tier 1 player as if they are a kingdom level threat, apparently) Escape or fleeing was impossible because they would just jump on me the the second I escaped or paid the bribe. So I ditched thousands of denars worth of horses so I could outrun them and I was able to kite them around and around for nearly an entire season, even while the southern empire declared war.

Something just feels super off about target selection/AI prioritization on the world map in general. Like, do parties not do some kind of speed comparison check on their target because I swear, sometimes they will just HUNT for you all because you stole butter from their peasants, even if you can easily outrun them, they just seem to think "yeah, but maybe they'll trip or something". Im not even saying being hunted is a bad thing, it just doesn't feel justified in the slightest. I start lopping off your family members heads? Yup, totally justified response. When I open up the character screen to see who the hell this freaking madman is, I'll see -100 relation, and probably a note on the side to remind me of the good ol choppin days. That's cool, that builds story, and I think that's the intended feel. Currently, it still feels just a imo

Any other examples you guys can think of? I also feel like maybe a moral debuff after not resting after a certain length of time may help, but then i'd probably want a "camp" system or something like it.
I haven't had that happen when being captured but I have had parties chase me for unbelievable amounts of time in 1.1
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