Resolved AI not recognizing its at war

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Yes, but I removed mods.
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I will get this later
Summary: Kingdoms don't know they're at war. It will recognize an enemy if they are in screen, but it will not go into enemy territory to raid. Events will happen off screen, so I might happen on a burning village or a captured lord. Armies seem to stay in their own territory.
How to Reproduce: Join a kingdom and watch as your army goes from allied town to allied town and never engages in seiges.
Have you used cheats and if so which: no
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video): will provide later
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10 (65bit)
GPU: RTX 2060 Super
GPU Driver Version: Not sure
CPU: Ryzen 5
Motherboard: Whatever fits a Ryzen
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):
I do have a video. It's about three minutes long. You can see what I'm talking about. Now, in this video there are a few mods that are active, but none of them are supposed to affect the armies or lord behavior. I'm going to try to purge a lot of the mods as well and see if that changes the gameplay.
But you can see in this video that there's two armies and they are just crisis crossing from one friendly city to another. You can see battles taking place off screen, but no one is actually engaging. And the two opposing armies are not engaging each other. you can see things do happen "off camera" but they don't happen in the game.

I'm going to explain the context of the video as well. This was the seventh army I was in and they all do that. If they're low on resources, why aren't they raiding? And why isn't the enemy raiding?
Hey, can you reproduce the issue on a new campaign after manually removing al the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files please? And what i see in the video is even though there are at least 4 lords in the army there are only 350 soldiers or so, that is a small number considering what it is should be. And the lord could be just recruiting instead of raiding. There are various calculations taking place in the behaviour of the AI lord. If you can reproduce the issue on a new, unmodded campaign, please share your new, unmodded save file with us so we can further inspect the issue.
Hey, can you reproduce the issue on a new campaign after manually removing al the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files please? And what i see in the video is even though there are at least 4 lords in the army there are only 350 soldiers or so, that is a small number considering what it is should be. And the lord could be just recruiting instead of raiding. There are various calculations taking place in the behaviour of the AI lord. If you can reproduce the issue on a new, unmodded campaign, please share your new, unmodded save file with us so we can further inspect the issue.
Sorry, that's not possible. I did a complete clean reinstall of the game yesterday and it corrected the issue. Unfortunately, we won't be able to know if it was the mod or a corrupted component.
Hey, i am glad the problem is solved. Please let us know if you encounter any other issue on the unmodded campaign.
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