AI king marrying AI maiden and courtship dialogue

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Version 2.036 - Save started in 2.036

I don't use any mod but years ago I changed some dialogue lines in the conversation file, though I don't remember if it was in VC or in a mod. I'm pretty sure I was careful enough to only change/add some words and that I didn't delete/move anything else, not even spaces.

Problem 1:

Can an AI king marry an AI maiden? Because the king of Glywissing is married to Gwladus, daughter of one of the lords of said faction. The problem is, in the characters list there is no indication of this marriage and, since I can't remember how marriages work for AIs, I don't know if there is a problem with the marriage or with the characters list.

Problem 2:

After reciting a poem to an elegible maiden, she describes the poem incorrectly. The name of the poem she mentions is correct but the description is the one from the poems in native (I suppose). I don't know what all the poems talk about, so maybe there isn't a problem, but some look suspicious.

Screenshots regarding the poems thing: ---- ----


I should have pointed out that the screenshots regarding the "incorrect" responses for the poems aren't the wrong ones, or at least only some of them are. I already recited the other poems and I didn't make any screenshot of those replies because I didn't think of making an actual report.

The only way for me to bring the ones I think have some wrong lines would be to find a lady during a feast, which is both easy and a bit time consuming. If that would help, let me know.
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