AI Faction Rulers don't hand out Fiefs to their Vassals in Paradigm Worlds

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While I'm playing the Paradigm Worlds mod, I've noticed that the AI faction rulers never distribute fiefs to any of their vassals while rarely claiming fiefs for themselves.

Does anyone know how to get the faction rulers to distribute fiefs more frequently?

I don't have access to the .py files of the mod but I may be able to modify the scripts.txt files to alter the mod in some way.

At least one or two scripts may have an impact on how AI rulers distribute fiefs:

calculate_troop_score_for_center -1
41 23 2 1224979098644774912 1 23 2 1224979098644774913 2 2133 2 1224979098644774914 1 6 3 1224979098644774915 648518346341351446 648518346341351644 2133 2 1224979098644774916 0 4 0 31 2 1224979098644774912 360287970189639680 541 3 1224979098644774915 7 -2 2133 2 1224979098644774916 1 3 0 1073742365 3 1224979098644774915 7 1224979098644774912 31 2 1224979098644774916 1 4 0 541 3 1224979098644774915 0 3 2105 2 1224979098644774914 4 5 0 541 3 1224979098644774915 0 2 2105 2 1224979098644774914 2 5 0 2105 2 1224979098644774914 1 3 0 3 0 520 3 1224979098644774917 1224979098644774912 7 2120 3 1224979098644774918 500 1224979098644774917 2108 2 1224979098644774918 1224979098644774914 2136 3 1224979098644774919 50 100 2107 2 1224979098644774918 1224979098644774919 4 0 541 3 1224979098644774913 29 1224979098644774912 2107 2 1224979098644774918 3 2108 2 1224979098644774918 2 3 0 4 0 31 2 1224979098644774912 360287970189639680 522 2 1224979098644774920 144115188075856287 1 2 936748722493063454 1224979098644774920 2133 2 1224979098644774921 72057594037927936 2107 2 1224979098644774921 2 2105 2 1224979098644774918 1224979098644774921 3 0 2133 2 72057594037927936 1224979098644774918

assign_lords_to_empty_centers -1
142 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 1106 1 216172782113786460 2320 2 65 216172782113786461 1 4 936748722493063488 864691128455135508 0 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774912 432345564227567633 432345564227567640 502 3 1224979098644774912 12 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774913 0 360287970189640524 500 3 1224979098644774913 46 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774914 648518346341351446 648518346341351644 521 3 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774914 7 4 0 1073741855 2 1224979098644774915 -1 31 2 1224979098644774915 -3 2204 2 1224979098644774916 1224979098644774914 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 2330 2 4 1224979098644774914 2335 2 5 1224979098644774916 1106 1 216172782113786462 3 0 522 3 1224979098644774917 1224979098644774916 12 2105 2 1224979098644774917 1 502 3 1224979098644774916 12 1224979098644774917 5 0 31 2 1224979098644774915 -2 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 2330 2 4 1224979098644774914 2335 2 5 1224979098644774916 1106 1 216172782113786463 3 0 5 0 30 2 1224979098644774915 0 500 3 1224979098644774915 46 1 3 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774913 0 360287970189640524 540 3 1224979098644774913 2 2 1073741856 2 1224979098644774913 360287970189639680 31 2 144115188075856066 1 540 3 1224979098644774913 46 0 2173 2 1224979098644774918 1224979098644774913 33 3 1224979098644774918 432345564227567634 432345564227567640 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 2322 2 4 1224979098644774913 2335 2 5 1224979098644774918 1106 1 216172782113786464 3 0 522 3 1224979098644774917 1224979098644774918 12 2105 2 1224979098644774917 1 502 3 1224979098644774918 12 1224979098644774917 3 0 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 6 3 1224979098644774912 432345564227567633 432345564227567640 522 3 72057594037927940 1224979098644774912 12 2335 2 4 1224979098644774912 1106 1 216172782113786465 3 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774914 648518346341351446 648518346341351644 521 3 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774914 7 1073741855 2 1224979098644774915 -1 31 2 1224979098644774915 -3 2204 2 1224979098644774916 1224979098644774914 33 3 1224979098644774916 432345564227567633 432345564227567640 2147484190 3 1224979098644774916 11 360287970189639680 4 0 31 2 144115188075856163 1 2330 2 5 1224979098644774914 4 0 2147484210 3 1224979098644774916 12 2 2335 2 4 1224979098644774916 1106 1 216172782113786466 3 0 3 0 562 3 1224979098644774916 12 2 2133 2 1224979098644774919 -1 2133 2 1224979098644774920 -1 4 0 31 2 1224979098644774915 -1 4 0 31 2 144115188075856287 1224979098644774916 31 2 144115188075856066 1 2133 2 1224979098644774919 -2 1 3 936748722493063592 360287970189639680 1224979098644774914 2133 2 1224979098644774920 72057594037927936 3 0 3 0 6 3 1224979098644774921 360287970189640362 360287970189640524 540 3 1224979098644774921 2 2 2173 2 1224979098644774922 1224979098644774921 31 2 1224979098644774922 1224979098644774916 1 3 936748722493063592 1224979098644774921 1224979098644774914 2133 2 1224979098644774923 72057594037927936 4 0 540 3 1224979098644774921 46 0 33 3 1224979098644774914 648518346341351522 648518346341351644 2107 2 1224979098644774923 10 3 0 32 2 1224979098644774923 1224979098644774920 2133 2 1224979098644774920 1224979098644774923 2133 2 1224979098644774919 1224979098644774921 3 0 4 0 1073741854 2 1224979098644774919 0 31 2 1224979098644774919 -2 522 3 1224979098644774924 1224979098644774916 12 2106 2 1224979098644774924 1 4 0 31 2 1224979098644774919 -2 540 3 360287970189639680 46 0 500 3 360287970189639680 46 1 2106 2 1224979098644774924 1 5 0 540 3 1224979098644774919 46 0 500 3 1224979098644774919 46 1 2106 2 1224979098644774924 1 3 0 502 3 1224979098644774916 12 1224979098644774924 3 0 4 0 30 2 1224979098644774919 0 1 4 936748722493063409 1224979098644774914 1224979098644774919 1 5 0 31 2 1224979098644774919 -2 501 3 1224979098644774914 7 -2 4 0 541 3 1224979098644774914 0 2 6 3 1224979098644774925 648518346341351522 648518346341351644 541 3 1224979098644774925 120 1224979098644774914 541 3 1224979098644774925 7 -1 501 3 1224979098644774925 7 -2 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0

I'm aiming for getting the AI rulers to distribute acquired fiefs as soon as possible.

Edit 1: It turns out that the AI rulers do hand out fiefs to a few vassals. It's just that they don't distribute fiefs to all of their vassals.
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The script assign_lords_to_empty_centers (and thus the script calculate_troop_score_for_center since it is only getting called by the first one) is only getting called at the start of the game but not anymore at a later stage.

There is a limit at what all can be edited via number tweaking, an available list can be found at the following thread:

For the rest there can be too many dependences with other parts. Also most modders don't tweak numbers but use the module system (which you don't have available, acknowledged) and are therefore not used to decipher what the numbers mean. It's a lot of pain without real gain.
The script assign_lords_to_empty_centers (and thus the script calculate_troop_score_for_center since it is only getting called by the first one) is only getting called at the start of the game but not anymore at a later stage.

There is a limit at what all can be edited via number tweaking, an available list can be found at the following thread:

For the rest there can be too many dependences with other parts. Also most modders don't tweak numbers but use the module system (which you don't have available, acknowledged) and are therefore not used to decipher what the numbers mean. It's a lot of pain without real gain.
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