AI behavior

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Mat Berserker

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Hello this is my first post on taleworlds forum and at the beginning I want to say hello. IM making Festung Breslau mod but AI is sometimes acting strangely. They are fighting melle with their knives and daggers. Can I change anywhere the distance to the enemy when they are getting they melle weapons, or is it hard coded? I was looking for it a quiet long time but I can not find it. Maybe someone had the same problem. Yes I have been searching this forum.
I'm sorry for my English 'cause it isn’t my native language.
If the enemy is cominng to yours troops at some distance they are getting thier melle weapons. I wanna change this distance, but i dont know where and is this even possible.
If your asking to change the distance that they chose to draw their melee weapons then no don't believe thats possible because I think that falls into the AI's  actually intelligence which is hardcoded.

But don't trust me I could be totally off because I have very limited modding experience
Its possible in a way, but it would be buggy.
Its possible to get information on how far away a troop is from another troop, and I'm pretty sure its also possible to force a weapon switch, but not sure if it would remain that way for long, so if their too close and the code tells them to draw their gun, they might end up switching weapons repeatedly, but I'm not sure about that.
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