AI and the surrounding enviroment

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We know that AI now can climb siege ladders, use static weapons and form more complex formations but how it will interact with the obstacles around the map? what happens when AI face a lower object like a fence or a stone wall?
I borrowed this picture from the forum to show what happens on the warband's engine:
Has something been planned for this?

Your example has more to do with poorly done navigation meshes than with AI per se.
To be direct, TW already told us that navigation meshes can be automatically created by the engine, but they always prefer to create navmeshes manually rather than use automated ones, which indicates "not so good" automatic meshes.

That said, the answer is: yes, troops may get stuck in the scenario if the navigation mesh isn't well made.

I don't expect the new AI to be too much better than Warband's, I think there'll be just some little improvements rather than a major overhaul.
FBohler said:
Your example has more to do with poorly done navigation meshes than with AI per se.
To be direct, TW already told us that navigation meshes can be automatically created by the engine, but they always prefer to create navmeshes manually rather than use automated ones, which indicates "not so good" automatic meshes.

That said, the answer is: yes, troops may get stuck in the scenario if the navigation mesh isn't well made.

I don't expect the new AI to be too much better than Warband's, I think there'll be just some little improvements rather than a major overhaul.

Sorry but I'm not talking about turning around the obstacle, I'm just asking if the AI is able to pass a fence that block the way like the player does by jumping over it.
They will recognize the fence as an obstacle only if the navmesh is properly done, so the problem you faced in Warband may be present in Bannerlord as well, especially in procedurally generated scenes and mods.
As for the AI being able to vault over small obstacles, I don't think I've seen such thing in any gameplay video to this date.
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