Ahh ****.

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Grandmaster Knight
Well since I don't have any friends and I want to went here it goes.

I lost yet another relationship... her parents hated me and said I couden't see her, came to my house, and basically told me I was going to go to jail if I ever saw her again. Personally I don't care... but I know how much **** she is going to catch is she keeps seeing me, and I can't stand putting her threw any grief, I love her and that **** is killing me inside. She dosent have the money to move out, and she is in one of the top school in VA. If I keep seeing her, I will **** up her life, and that I can't live with.

I don't know that the hell i'm supposed to do now, for once I actually loved someone and now they have been ripped away from me, heh, goes to show how fair the world is I supposed.

In anycase, I'm going to see if I can't pull of one of these 'calls for help' and get the desired attention from pretty hospital nurses, or not. Dosen't matter.

I trully enjoy knowing all of you guys, you mean more then you might think to me.
I hear that there is someone in West VA that can take care of you. It really sucks that things went down this way. I do seem to recall that this isn't the first time this has happened to you though. That whole "better to have loved and lost" cliche is complete bull****. Remember the good times, drink plenty of "fluids", and soon enough everything will be antebellum.

Again, my advice on women has no real impact. So, as the saying goes, "Take this with some grain alcohol."

This is the start to another fun week. My friend's best friend killed himself over the weekend so she is really depressed and now my hardcore russian brother has been reduced to a Shakespeare play. Wake Me Up, When September Ends...
Well I'm sorry I can't give you much advice or even pretend to give advice Pavlov.

Drinking although fun some times won't solve anything, it will just help supress the pain. I found that out the hard way.

This kinda reminds me of my sis and her BF about not being able to come over because my parents hate him.But he realy is an *******.

You seem to be like a pretty nice guy,even after seing you pics.Lol.

But I can say I know what it's like to not be able to be with someone you love and still hope that they can be happy.There are plenty of "fish in the sea" but if you think she might be the one then you just got to go with it,you know just follow you haert, or something like that.

All I can really say is good luck and don't kill your self like Rando's friend cus me and a lot of other people here would miss yu.
I dont think you should go crazy about Love. Love is laying dog... Its makes you blind.

And as you sayed "yet another", well maybe that becouse, you didn't finded that "One". Who knows what will happend next day?...

I had few hard time during my life too, but now as I look back, I think it was good that they happend.
will probably sound naive, but there are always ways to do it in secret, you just need to find one. like coordinating it with her friend, who will say she's going with her somewhere quiet outside. and what her parents are doing is probably considered blackmail, that could help.
We have a saying that i could translate as.. "Every drop has a rise".. not the best translation you've seen but understandable anyway. Just move on, you'll eventually have better days as well.
I'd advise against drinking, please. A worker of ours blew himself to hell over a breakup recently. Ordinarily he hated the idea of suicide and mocked the dead, but he had been drinking at the time, and...

So don't drink. Booze and women don't mix. One at a time they can do enough damage, together they can **** you over bad.

Man sorry to hear that.

My relationship before my current (a few years ago), she cheated on me for her ex-boyfriend who had ****ed her around so so so many times, and it was a stab in the heart.

So i took to the bottle and that was a start of at least 1-2 months of absolute crap!

Sorry to pull the hippie-crap card on you but man, go do some meditation, maybe light up a spliff if you're into that, and play some mount and blade :smile:.

Sorry to hear about it, though.
Im old and have been through several upsetting breakups. To be honest I cant remember why I ever got upset as they just seem so distant and vaguely unpleasant now. You just need to keep your head down and stick to a routine until it passes. It always passes.
I bless YOU.
I bless YOUR life.
I bless YOUR work.
I bless YOUR goals.
I bless YOU in any way.
And may God bless YOU, friend.

I will pray for you. I sent you a PM.
pavlov that sucks. since i can't think of anything to say that will make you feel better i will just wish you luck and reassure you that life sucks for everyone.

life's a *****, and then you marry one.

Rando said:
Wake Me Up, When September Ends...

someone should cover that song and call it Wake Me Up, When The Update Comes....
Hey guys, well I'll give a quick update, more or less for my sake, and for all of you that posted here (thank you) I basically spend the last two night in the hospital 'recovering' from alcohol abuse mixed with pills bleah. In anycase I got tubes stuck in me and got 'pumped'. I don't remember any of it thank god. I didn't get pretty nurses in white, but a really really fat one in pink. Kind of looked like a prize pig. In anycase I guess I'm still keeping on with my ****ed up relationship, since we are in love, we just agreed to do it in secrecy, Romeo and Juliet anyone? How I adore drama. Hopefully there will be a car accident and her parents die a horrible grizly death with rape and saudomy involved.

I got a bunch of PM's from you guys and I do really appreciate that, I'm off to respond to those.

Much love.
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