Well since I don't have any friends and I want to went here it goes.
I lost yet another relationship... her parents hated me and said I couden't see her, came to my house, and basically told me I was going to go to jail if I ever saw her again. Personally I don't care... but I know how much **** she is going to catch is she keeps seeing me, and I can't stand putting her threw any grief, I love her and that **** is killing me inside. She dosent have the money to move out, and she is in one of the top school in VA. If I keep seeing her, I will **** up her life, and that I can't live with.
I don't know that the hell i'm supposed to do now, for once I actually loved someone and now they have been ripped away from me, heh, goes to show how fair the world is I supposed.
In anycase, I'm going to see if I can't pull of one of these 'calls for help' and get the desired attention from pretty hospital nurses, or not. Dosen't matter.
I trully enjoy knowing all of you guys, you mean more then you might think to me.
I lost yet another relationship... her parents hated me and said I couden't see her, came to my house, and basically told me I was going to go to jail if I ever saw her again. Personally I don't care... but I know how much **** she is going to catch is she keeps seeing me, and I can't stand putting her threw any grief, I love her and that **** is killing me inside. She dosent have the money to move out, and she is in one of the top school in VA. If I keep seeing her, I will **** up her life, and that I can't live with.
I don't know that the hell i'm supposed to do now, for once I actually loved someone and now they have been ripped away from me, heh, goes to show how fair the world is I supposed.
In anycase, I'm going to see if I can't pull of one of these 'calls for help' and get the desired attention from pretty hospital nurses, or not. Dosen't matter.
I trully enjoy knowing all of you guys, you mean more then you might think to me.