Ahh soooo good :)

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So i was just playing .702 and my god does the game feel much sexier. Speaking purely athetics, what new experiences have you guys found awesome so far? Battling steepe bandits in the desert or really hilly terrain whilst they fire bows from horseback really impressed me. I didn't think it would make that much difference to the experience.

Only thing that makes me sad is how overpowered ranged weapon using enemy seem to be. Kind of limits your options to fighting with a shield when they can nail you in one hit most of the time, with deadly accurracy... but eh.

Anyways, tell me cool things I say!
LetterAfterZ said:
Only thing that makes me sad is how overpowered ranged weapon using enemy seem to be. Kind of limits your options to fighting with a shield when they can nail you in one hit most of the time, with deadly accurracy... but eh.

Anyways, tell me cool things I say!

well, if you check the stats of your AI opponents: even a peasant has more accuracy with weapons than the player character has at the beginning. but once you get to cross-bow proficiency above 160: you'll be the one nailing AI's ranged units from across the map... :smile:

the only problem i have with the ranged weapons is that at times you get hit by a random pebble or axe thrown ACROSS THE MAP... it seems, those have the same range as bows/crossbows... at times...
I am a horse archer myself. And I love to pursue khergit riders. Last time myself alone (marnid and borcha are still weaklings and got knocked out quickly) killed 14. Had to retreat although once to restock arrows.

But I think LetterAfterZ means not the accuracy, but the ability to shoot over the whole map.

About the peasants - they usually battle dark hunters and most funny they often win. It's a wonder how they do it when a single dark knight/hunter can easily dispatch 20 peasants. Of course if you join the battle, the peasants lose. And I often see peasants with dark hunters as prisoners.
Peasants not so bad against darknight/hunter, Handel.
In 0.632, I had often recup. them in my party,
and stood on my ass seeing how they do when knight approach !!
A lot of them died,
but so nice show... it was.

p.s : peasant women did a truely carnage ... ^^
Handel said:
It's a wonder how they do it when a single dark knight/hunter can easily dispatch 20 peasants. Of course if you join the battle, the peasants lose.

Lol... I don't know about that Handel. I've seen 3 or 4 peasants take down an unmounted dark knight without taking any casualties. Your dark knight that took about 20 peasants must have been a titan (Or a cyclops. Or a firebreathing dragon.) in disguise.
hurled weapons definitely have a limited range - regardless of who fires them off. I hang back for a while on a hill when fighting mountain bandits and sea pirates - let them waste their javelins and axes. if i have troops i order them to hold position - those with bows and x-bows usually start to loose their volleys then.

But i've learned to dismount and keep my shield up just in case... lost a mount to a nasty bunch of javelineers once.

I doubt this tactic will work anymore in the fog weather battlefields... i can't see the until it's too late and they seem to have a knack for peppering my side with ranged weapons as we close in
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