Age of Pirates

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Average Joe peasant

Grandmaster Knight
Anyone here play this series?
Is the Age of Pirates series the same as/better than Akella's Sea Dogs series? I've been wanting to pick up a copy of PotC(AKA Sea Dogs 2), since people have been talking about it in the Screenshot Megathread but prices on even used copies are going up, and I don't really want to pay <$15 for a used copy of a 7 year old game, and have it arrive in mid October.
Same as, they changed the name because Bethesda owns the Sea Dogs title. City of Abandoned Ships is the latest entry (2009), Caribbean Tales was produced after Sea Dogs 2 / PotC (2006).
K-64 said:
That's quite a lot for PotC, last I checked which was when someone asked about it in the screenie thread, it was about £2
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