SP Medieval Age of Kings

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had an idea of creating a mod set in the early middle ages (1100 AD), with a map of Europe, western Asia, north Africa and the middle east.
It is supposed to be historically accurate. I can make textures, but except for that I don't really know how to mod.


If you want to help, post here! :smile:


Here are some banners I created:


From left to right: Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of England, Kingdom of France, The Holy Roman Empire

More will come! :wink:
First Europa 1300, then Europe 1200 and now this? You dudes must really love ancient Europe, eh? :mrgreen:

Well, the banners on their own don't look too bad. Good luck getting people to model, map and code for your mod. :wink:
Sounds great! can't wait to try it out!
The Banners already look fantastic! Wonder what the rest looks like. Keep us up-to-date and make your first mod a big success!
Good luck! And if you need a tester , feel free to contact me
Aetheus said:
First Europa 1300, then Europe 1200 and now this? You dudes must really love ancient Europe, eh? :mrgreen:

Well, the banners on their own don't look too bad. Good luck getting people to model, map and code for your mod. :wink:

Indeed in the end we will have written our own history.Anyway sounds like a good idea but i dont think it will be so easy.Just two questions though:
1.Are you sure you are quite experienced enough to create a mod?Except for the fact that you have been searching in the forum before you become a member.

2.There are many mods which are close tto this era and as a result there is a great variety of equipments,so it will be somehow difficult to create your own.

Anyway i dont want to discourage you.Its your first mod and i wish you the best,really.I would like to help but i am already helping on the Zulu wars mod and i am kinda busy.
Will there be Serbia,please make a better trops for them,remeber dont put the Zeta as capital town put Smederevo and Zeta isn't Serbia it was the age when first serbian contery made(about 1200)I play that mode but serbians troops are weak.
Thank you all, I'm now working on some more banners and making textures for some vanilla models (Untill I have my own models).
Oh and Serbia is a good idea actually, I'll think about it  :smile:
If you make it... I've been thinking someone should've done this a long time ago: The heraldric tabards, your heraldric sign shouldn't be cut in half by the belt... it should be above the belt on the torso... doesn't anyone agree? I mean if you work on banners... you want them to look nice on your tabard...
Well, its already done.. (the heralic thingy)

I know... but I'll hope I'll manage to finish it :smile:
Does anyone know if there is a faction limit?? right now the factions planned are:

Kingdom of England
Kingdom of Scotland
Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Norway
Kingdom of France
The Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Leon and Castile
Kingdom of Poland
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Georgia
The Eastern Roman Empire
Kievan 'Rus
Almoravid Empire
Fatimid Caliphate
Sultanate of Rum
Empire of Great Seljuks
Zirid Emirate
Cuman Khanate
Kingdom of Makuria
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Emirate of Damascus
Duchy of Apulia

MINOR FACTIONS (Bandits, pirates, etc.)
Arab Tribesmen
Berber Tribesmen
European Pirates
Norse Pirates
Islamic Pirates
Pagan Warriors (nostly in Scandinavia and the baltic lands)
Steppe Tribesmen
Minor nations (all the other nations not included in the main factions)

Is there any modeler who can help me please? I can make textures but I need someone to make new models are at least change some vanilla ones...
Here are some ideas for the Norwegian faction's troops:

                                                      > Scout > Horseman > Norse Knight
Peasant > Leiðangr > Backwoodsman > Norse Warrior > Landsman > Veteran Landsman > Huscarl > Hirdsman 
                            > Norse Hunter > Norse Archer > Trained Norse Archer

Viking Mercenary > Viking Raider > Veteran Viking Raider


Oh jesus. This is way, WAY too ambitious for a first mod. Let me give you some advice, son; start out small. Add a new faction to native. Make a new item pack. Anything, as long as it isn't huge, complex, or incredably ambitious. Don't worry, I did the same thing on my first mod 'idea'. I'm currently adding a new faction south of the Khergits in Native, and it is still very hard. So just start slow, and work your way up from there.
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Oh jesus. This is way, WAY too ambitious for a first mod. Let me give you some advice, son; start out small. Add a new faction to native. Make a new item pack. Anything, as long as it isn't huge, complex, or incredably ambitious. Don't worry, I did the same thing on my first mod 'idea'. I'm currently adding a new faction south of the Khergits in Native, and it is still very hard. So just start slow, and work your way up from there.

The same advice that was given to me by the same parson......my mentor.Anyway where is the Byzantine Empire my man?

*after 5 seconds*Oh you named it Eastern Roman Empire yes i understand now......sorry :mrgreen:
Well your'e right. maybe I'll start out with something small, like changing the faction banners in native and the Norse troops. or something like that :razz:
Ofcourse, start out small. One faction at a time, but starting small doesn't mean you can't use those "small" bits to form a huge mod. :smile:

You're gonna want to learn coding and mapping yourself, though. You'd have a hard time finding people to do it for you. Nice banners, though.
(Shouldn't hirdsman be before huscarl, though? :???:)
No, Huscarls are household bodyguards of lords and kings (The guard their castles and estates), and Hirdsmen are more like trained bodyguards that protect them in battles. :smile:
Great idea and good luck with it! :grin: I do however, agree that you should start a little smaller, with something you specialise in, say banners. I specialise in statistics, troops and items and did my first mod on that. This'll give you the stepping stones to a bigger mod like the Age of Kings. I'm not discouraging you though, merely giving advice.
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