After Effects Help

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Sorry for the random tech support question...

So I've been using Adobe after effects and I must have missed some setting somewhere. I'm using footage recorded in fraps from M&B and just have that edited all together, but whenever I render out the movie, it is rendered much darker than the original footage or what is shown in the preview window. No matter what I change (compression format etc etc) it always seems to render darker, which is something I can't have because it makes all night scenes pitch black.

I've searched a fair amount for a solution online but I can't seem to find anything. Was wondering if anyone else is familiar with this and knew what to do?
Yeah - I've had a look at those. Changing the colour space seems like it would be the solution but I couldn't seem to make it make any difference.

I did a little more reading and found this thread:

I did what he suggested, using the adjustment layer and it turned out much better. Still a bit of a work-around though.
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