Affiliate to a family

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This seemed like a good thing early in my time with the Nords, but the longer I play the less thought out this function seems, and all because AI lords wander off on their own and get their butts kicked. It seems to occur more to those who think "they can do greater deeds" but none are immune to defeat which causes -3 relationship with each family member. My wife, Lady Endegrid, had 85 relationship when we were married, its now down to 59. I know there are those who would say, "Well, that's normal, the thrill is gone."
I thought there might be some advantage to joining a large family, but this relationship hit outweighs any possible advantage. And its not like I'm ignoring family lords. In the war with Swadia,family got awarded Suno and then Jarl Olaf got Praven. I decided to take Ryibelet Castle so I could be close enough to keep an eye on them. After a recruiting trip I dropped off troops for training at Ryibelet and headed straight for Praven. Good thing, three Swadian lords had caught Jarl Olaf outside Praven. My arrival turned the tide, Jarl Olaf was grateful and I watched him traveling to Praven with 31 troops.
Swadia is now down to Tevarin Castle and its village. Next thing I see, Jarl Olaf has been captured by Swadia. Apparently, he took his 31 troops and went to loot their last village.
Anyway, Jarl Olaf is a plague on my life. Two other family members have been defeated, once each, but Jarl Olaf has been defeated 10 times and captured 6 times. I have rescued him 4 times so he and I are pretty tight, but the rest of the family, especially the women, hate my guts.
Indeed. I don't use this feature for exactly that reason. I'm not even sure I see why you deserve a rep hit for them being defeated... under normal circumstances, you wouldn't have any idea where they are or what they are doing, so why is it your fault? Why doesn't their whole family take a rep hit with them too, since they're far more responsible for them than you are. Its not like they asked you to follow them on a mission or anything... that would make sense.

The last time I checked, 'affiliate' did not mean the same as 'babysitter'.
Thanks for the comment, Goffik. Jarl Olaf has had his butt kicked five more times, lost his city, Praven (its mine now) and is currently sitting in the dungeon in Khudan where I hope he rots, but at least he can't hurt my relationships from there. I finally had to tell Jarl Turya I can't do this anymore. He compared me to whale**** and said my parents were never married but he let me go. The women of the family, however are not as forgiving. When I see them in town or castles, they pick their noses and flick their boogers at me. Not what I was hoping for when I signed on.
Lord Brutus said:
Thanks for the comment, Goffik. Jarl Olaf has had his butt kicked five more times, lost his city, Praven (its mine now) and is currently sitting in the dungeon in Khudan where I hope he rots, but at least he can't hurt my relationships from there. I finally had to tell Jarl Turya I can't do this anymore. He compared me to whale**** and said my parents were never married but he let me go. The women of the family, however are not as forgiving. When I see them in town or castles, they pick their noses and flick their boogers at me. Not what I was hoping for when I signed on.

At least you were able to end it. When I try to no longer be affiliated with Boyar Mergias family, it freezes. After he says "What did you say?" and I reply that I no longer want to be in his family, I can no longer do anything. The game doesnt actually freeze, but I cant click on anything to continue the game....
thanks for your comments. maybe you can come up with a list of possible improvements to the family affiliation.

@rika: going to look into this.
First thing I would advocate is the same relationship boost with every family member (+7) that you get with the family member you rescue, whether its from prison or you defeat the lord who's holding him captive. Maybe, after a certain number of defeats, the other family members recognize he's just off his rocker and nothing he does for the rest of the game bothers them.
I also miss those M&B escort missions where you take the lady to visit relatives for a small relationship boost; maybe hang around for a couple of days, then escort her home.
Yeah I've found zero opportunities to raise relationships with wives. Anything on that front would be nice. Also, adultery? That'd add an interesting dynamic. Coming home to find another lord in flagrante? Nice. Even better, getting back at an annoying lord -- in bed!
Aeon221 said:
Yeah I've found zero opportunities to raise relationships with wives. Anything on that front would be nice. Also, adultery? That'd add an interesting dynamic. Coming home to find another lord in flagrante? Nice. Even better, getting back at an annoying lord -- in bed!
Raising my relationship with my wife was the reason I tried this afiliation thing to begin with, but in practice, it goes the other way. Adultery? I'm at a loss to explain how that would raise relationships with anybody, except perhaps TruTV.
Oh, raising relationships is less important to me than seeing the lords of the kingdom's dynamic behavior expanded upon. I mean, imagine if adultery pissed off the victimized lords and their family so much that they would seek out and attack you or leave the faction if they found out, but also made the sneaky wife incredibly effective at helping you raise relations with other lords. You know, basically the Launcelot story from Morte d'Arthur.

Interesting tradeoffs! Plus, imagine if it happened to the AI? A full fledged civil war breaking out in a neighboring kingdom because of some tart? Hilarious opportunity to grab some turf!
I had to stop playing because of this. From 20+ my Relation with the ladies dropped down to 1. Also, if I'm not mistaken, it says that you get a +4 Relation with each family member. Well for some strange reason I'm only getting +1 Relation per month. They should really fix this. *sigh*  :sad:

Update: Alright, Tried to play again and now it's down to -2... Huzzah... This is seriously messed up.  :cry:
It shoud be that you lose relation with the famley when you lose a battel, retreat, or your fifes get captured/raided since you wood be disgracing the famly name.
same if your conterversy incresses or honer decrresses
Thundertrod said:
It shoud be that you lose relation with the famley when you lose a battel, retreat, or your fifes get captured/raided since you wood be disgracing the famly name.
same if your conterversy incresses or honer decrresses
Can't say I agree with much here except maybe if one of your fiefs were captured. Fiefs being raided was more of an inconvenience to your cash flow than a disgrace. Few medieval lords gave a whit over controversy and, in the case I had (above) the only person in that family who valued honor was my wife. Losing battles would be attributed to treachery by the enemy.
I don't think thay care about the pessent but the lord would think that every thing in the fife is theres and it wood be embrasing to have a dirty forner steel your stuff.
And valueing Honer and wanting to look Honrable are two difrent things do some dishornbel and getting cought wood sully the famly name and warrent a public repmand. Doing some dishonorble and not geting cought wood plably get a slap on the back and "Atta boy".
I've thought about it some more and now I don't believe that having a fief captured should cause loss of relation with your family, since it affects only you and not any of them. None of the family lords in the situation above were upstanding. If I defeated an enemy lord, captured him and let him go (thus gaining honor for myself), most of the family lords gave me, "I heard you captured Count Montewar, but then let him go. Well, I will not tell you how to treat your prisoners." The best reac tion I got was, "That was chivalrous, but chivalry does not win wars." I think you may be confusing modern ideas of honor with medieval honor, not uncommon. And spell check is your friend.
wood, fife, and honer are perfectly acceptable English words...... :razz:

but yeah, current family affiliate system is a major inconvenience. I avoid it altogether, which is a shame....
CounterPoint391 said:
Oh.....really now? I said they were acceptable words in the English language, not that they were correctly used by the one poster in question.....

My apologies, though one of them still isn't acceptable. 'Honer' is not a word of the English language. Neither is forner, but you didn't mention that one so I'll let it slip this time.  :wink:
Afraid not mate.

As that first Wiki entry clearly states, Hœnir is from ancient Norse mythology. The Norse weren't English, so its not an English word. The reason you're redirected there from 'honer' is to aid those that spell it wrong when searching.

As for your second 'example', Wikipedia is not a particularly good source. Check a proper English (not American) dictionary. For example, this one, or this one, or maybe this one. If it exists at all, its either an Americanism or slang.
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