Evod Lighttaker
LLOlz so I would advise like for ALL moders to follow all my ideas for modding and stuff.
1. Like everytiem you make a haedshoot with a arorow there shuold be a vocalized "HaedSHOOT" like in the shooters
2. Also make it os thta I can invicible like all the time me no likey health lose
#. Also I'd like to go FAST FAST!!! no one catch me on foot and fly to just like NEO
I hope that everyone reworks their mods for my obvoius superior ideas and forgive my english I'm from
1. Like everytiem you make a haedshoot with a arorow there shuold be a vocalized "HaedSHOOT" like in the shooters
2. Also make it os thta I can invicible like all the time me no likey health lose
#. Also I'd like to go FAST FAST!!! no one catch me on foot and fly to just like NEO
I hope that everyone reworks their mods for my obvoius superior ideas and forgive my english I'm from