Adjusting Sound Volumes of Weapons Individually

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I am new to modding Mount and Blade But I have modded in  other software platforms. I have a quick question concerning sound volumes in game. In particular of my guns. I have both pistols and rifles in game now and I just want to get my rifle volume a tad louder. I have taken actual recorded clips of rifles firing and got them into game. They sound awesome but it can't seem to find the multiplier for making the rifle sound louder. it is probably something simple I am over looking . I do have the sounds in mono form.

I would think it would be in the sounds.txt file or maybe the items file specific for my module?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If this has been covered already forgive me. I searched through dozens of sound related threads and none really touched on this issue that I could tell.

Again, I know it is something simple.. But...

Thanks in advance..
It's not easily found in the txt file, as far as I know. It's easy to find, however, in the module system sounds file.
James said:
It's easy to find, however, in the module system sounds file.

Ok, Let's assume I do not know where that specific file is. So do I need to look in the sound.txt file that is within my actual module folder here "mymod/sounds.txt" or is there another file your refering to?

Forgive me for the rookie questions but I am not sure where you are directing me to look.. are you refering to my sound text file located in my modules main directory? if so what number in the sequence needs adjusting for volume..

Thank you..
The only line I have found for my pistol entry within the sounds.txt file is this one

snd_pistol_shot 2720 11 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536

The numbers 2720 in the line above are also found in the items.txt file as well.

I am working right now outside of the module system by simply editing text lines in files. I guess I need to get into the module app then..

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