Adding secondary function to item

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(Hint: Go once through all tutorials and OSP codes and put a reading mark to everything you deem useful. Use then folders to sort your reading marks)
In order to have a range weapon be usable in melee you first gotta have the weapons range entry first before the melee entry then in the range weapons entry you must have this "itp_next_item_as_melee" in-order for the weapon to switch to melee.

 ["practice_javelin", "Practice Javelins", [("javelin",0),("javelins_quiver", ixmesh_carry),("javelins_quiver", ixmesh_inventory)], itp_type_thrown |itp_primary|itp_next_item_as_melee, itcf_throw_javelin|itcf_carry_quiver_back|itcf_show_holster_when_drawn, 0, weight(5) | spd_rtng(91) | shoot_speed(28) | thrust_damage(27, blunt) | max_ammo(50) | weapon_length(75), imodbits_thrown],
 ["practice_javelin_melee", "practice_javelin_melee", [("javelin",0),("javelins_quiver", ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_polearm|itp_primary|itp_penalty_with_shield|itp_wooden_parry , itc_staff, 0, weight(1)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(91) |swing_damage(12, blunt)| thrust_damage(14,  blunt)|weapon_length(75),imodbits_polearm ],
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