Adding Heroes that can be hired.

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I was wondering if someone could do a tutorial on how to add hirable heros.
I used the unofficial editor to make a hero, no problem and he even shows up ingame where I want him.

I understand it needs to be done in the conversations text, and I downloaded the Mag7 mod to see how it is done, but I could not understand exactly how to do it.

I did a forum search and most of the information I found was spread out and not related to what I was doing. One post said to cut and paste about five lines from someone else that was hireable but I could not get it to work.

So if some one could paste the 5 or 6 lines that will make a named hero be hired for say 5000. I could see how it all works.

My hero is index number 225. So I understand that is what you use for the conversation pointer, I just need someone to do a step by step with me once. I am sure it would help alot of others too.

Does it need a trigger as well?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

I dont know how to make them hirable, i DO know that you can just let them be prisoners of some partys (mayb the 1s that show up only once)
dunno, just try some sjit
I'll prob just make it for you when i get my tong mod done.
unless someone else does first.

Also far as i know , most of the conversation's are trigger's anyway.
If you have Mag7 installed you can simply copy the text from the others heroes (like erik that is pretty simple) and paste it on top of your conversations.txt, (if you dont there is always borcha or marnid) then you'd have to increase the top number too (like 8 lines I think). You would have to change the hero ID (to 225) and the other ID (to 65761) as well.

Other thing to be aware of is who is the hero you would be hiring, search (probably right after the text line where the hero thanks you for hiring him) for 2 numbers with the hero original ID and change both to your heroes ID (225).

Oh you also have to decide where the hero will be placed, I always (for the sake of simplicity) choose a random merchant and (using the editor) set the "entry no." to 2 (won't work with smithys).
96 0 1 11 33554927 0 Hail,_warrior._My_fellow_knights_and_I_were_set_upon_on_the_road_by_an_army_of_dark_riders._Our_escape_was_a_narrow_thing_and_we_have_lost_much_of_our_belongings._If_you_are_of_a_mind_we_would_travel_with_you_and_recover_our_honor. 1 0
96 0 1 11 33554927 5 Shall_I_join_thee?_I_couldnt_seem_to_find_this_"inn"_so_ive_been_sleeping_on_the_grass. 37 0
96 1 1 11 33554927 0 Shall_I_join_thee? 2 0
96 1 0 Shall_I_join_thee? 36 0
65632 2 0 Yes,_I_could_use_you. 3 0
65632 2 0 No_thanks. 6 0
96 3 1 -2147483547 0 0 You_don't_have_any_room_for_me_in_your_party 6 0
96 3 0 Thank_you_friend._Surely_we_will_find_both_victory_and_safety_in_numbers. 6 3 10203 96 0 10251 96 0 20029 33554927 5

Thats the basic stuff. Im not sure if its the most efficient way but it works. Theres a bit more at the end of conversation.txt that works as the default stuff that all heroes say when you talk to them in your party. Make sure you increase the number at the top of conversation.txt by the amount of lines you added.

You may also need to read up in the "mod info: troops.txt" thread (check the mod resources thread for the link) if you dont know how to create the speaker IDs. When the NPC talks he uses his own ID #. When you talk to the NPC (65632) is a number you create based on his speaker ID and how you want the camera to work during the conversation I believe. 65632 in wincalc, change to hex is 10060. 60 hex is 96 (NPC id) in hex.

I put in the variable to allow for different responses and operations depending on whether you are picking him up fromt the Four_Ways_Inn, Zendar for the first time, or from the worldmap.
the other ID (to 65761) as well.
what is this ID?
That might be where I made my mistake, because I changed the short ID but not the longer one.

How do you know how many lines to ad to the top? Do you just count the numbered lines or all lines from top to bottom?


225 65761 This_is_a_line_used_as_an_example_to_see_what_I_need
_to_count_to see_how_many_lines_to_add_to_the_top.

would this be one line or two?

The longer one is what I said, its just the npc speaker ID again with some camera control stuff added on to it.

65761 in wincalc, convert to hex.. is 100E1

E1 is hex for 225.

The wraparound doesnt count as a line unless there is an actual new line being started with a return key press.
225 0 1 11 33554927 0 Hail,_warrior._My_fellow_knights_and_I_were_set_upon_on_the_road_by_an_army_of_dark_riders._Our_escape_was_a_narrow_thing_and_we_have_lost_much_of_our_belongings._If_you_are_of_a_mind_we_would_travel_with_you_and_recover_our_honor. 1 0
225 0 1 11 33554927 5 Shall_I_join_thee?_I_couldnt_seem_to_find_this_"inn"_so_ive_been_sleeping_on_the_grass. 37 0
225 1 1 11 33554927 0 Shall_I_join_thee? 2 0
225 1 0 Shall_I_join_thee? 36 0
65761 2 0 Yes,_I_could_use_you. 3 0
65761 2 0 No_thanks. 6 0
225 3 1 -2147483547 0 0 You_don't_have_any_room_for_me_in_your_party 6 0
225 3 0 Thank_you_friend._Surely_we_will_find_both_victory_and_safety_in_numbers. 6 3 10203 225 0 10251 225 0 20029 33554927 5

(those are 8 lines)

just pasting what ancientwanker post up there but already changed =)
Paste it to the start of conversation.txt. If you paste it to the end the default hero conversations will kick in first.
Ok I put it in game and it works!

Will it only work for new games or will it work for old saved games too?

Thanks for all your help!
It will work only for new games because the hero won't be in the place you're designing him to be. Unless, of course, you're editing the conversation a character that alreadys exist in your save game. Therefore you can edit the conversation of characters already in the game, but you can't add new characters without starting a new one. (everytime I try to be clear, I become even more confusing).
No I understand you, it was very clear.
I could say edit the gladiators/arena fighters to join me and it would work in existing save games because they are already placed "in game"

Again thanks for your help.

Another question:
If I were to add another hero and cut and paste the same conversation for them but change the id numbers, how do I get the second "longer" ID number?
To put it simply just get the "normal" ID (225) add 65536 and you will get the new one (65761). It's far more complex than that but it will work and I have no idea how to explain it to you other way =).

Oh and about the gladiators, you can even (using the unoficial editor) change their stats, appearence, name. Because they're already in the game, but I don't think you can change their position tho.

I added my hero and it worked, so I turned down the gladiators power, changed their apperience using editor, and checked in game and that worked. So then copied the eight lines and changed it to use their id numbers and it will not load.
Do I need to delete their old lines?

Ok I figured it out, I had put am extra space, or hit enter when I edited the conversation.

Again thanks for your help.
Ok now I have yet another question:

Using the unofficial editor I added another upgrade type to the watchman which works, and the upgraded unit fights great in the battles, but on the part screen if you click on them the game crashes with no errors.
I think that it is because I did not add a line in the conversation text.
Now I thought no big deal, I will hunt down index number 8 which i believe is town watchmen, and I can not find it. I know it is going to say something about "I'll tell you every thing about me you want to know"
Can some one please tell me which index number I need to copy. Is it going to be the longer number or the short 8?

thanks yet again,
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