Adding Different Weapon/Armour/Mount choices to multiplayer???

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hey, I'm making the Five Silver Stars mod, and I wud like to know how, if possible, u add different weapon/armour/mount choices to multiplayer, so that not only the bots use them? Please answer ASAP (schl in 2 days, wont be able to mod for a week  :cry: )
apsod said:,116286.0.html use this Tutorial, it is really good and it is what I used :smile:

I guess that there is no other way than using the module system then? :razz:

in that case - how can I use the module system AND keep my current troops (took me about 2-3 weeks to get to my current stage -.-)
You can either use the module system for a permanent modification, or use the .txt system for a 'quick and dirty' setup.  If you have done any .txt modification, it will be obliterated the next time you recompile the module system.

There are no shortcuts in modding, my friend.  Sorry.
ok... so, u mean I loose all da txt stuff? damnit >.<

I mean, like can u have your current txt files used in your module system, for example can u um... 'uncompile' a module so that it has all of your things, or nah?
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