Adding custom methods to InventoryManager

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Hello everyone!

I looked around but couldn’t find an answer online or on the forums. I have been getting back into creating simple mods. So I am familiar with things like Harmony but also adding menu options in towns.

Now I have run into the problem that I want to add my own custom methods to the InventoryManager (located in TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem). At this moment in time I cant figure out how to do it. Since I cant create my own method with custom logic that sets the private setters in the manager.

InventoryManager.Instance._currentMode = InventoryMode.Default;
InventoryManager.Instance._inventoryLogic = new InventoryLogic(Campaign.Current, (PartyBase) null);

Those are two examples that are currently set inside the class but I cant extend or overwrite those in a custom class. Does anyone have a solution?

Kind regards,
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryManager), "MethodYouWantToPatch")]
public static void Postfix(ref InventoryMode ____currentMode, ref InventoryLogic ____inventoryLogic)
    ____currentMode = InventoryMode.Default;
    ____inventoryLogic = new InventoryLogic(Campaign.Current, (PartyBase) null);
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Thank you for your reply!
I understand you can patch existing methods, but how do I add a new method with more parameters?
Otherwise I will override logic that I dont really want or need to change.
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What do you mean by add a new method with more parameters? You can put if statements in the patch and have it call another method if you want to make it more conditional.

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryManager), "MethodYouWantToPatch")]
public static void Postfix(ref InventoryMode ____currentMode, ref InventoryLogic ____inventoryLogic)
    if (YourCondition)
        ____currentMode = InventoryMode.Default;
        ____inventoryLogic = new InventoryLogic(Campaign.Current, (PartyBase) null);
public static void MethodYouWantToCall()
    // Do your stuff.
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