MP Tutorial Module System Adding a new multiplayer faction tutorial

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Thanks a lot, it works! But I'm now facing another issue: when I want to start a multiplayer game and click Start Map, the faction-choosing screen appears in front on the administrator panel (Screenshot)
I have to press Esc or click Back for it to let me see the map and proceed as normal. When I change settings from the administrator panel after the game has started the issue does not appear (quite similar situation to what was happening with the previous issue, which was only appearing when starting a new game but not when changing factions through a poll)
Does this only happen after you made the changes I told you to do before (so is the problem disappearing if you revert the changes)? Or is this a totally new issue (like you edited some other stuff too)?
Does it happen only at specific modes?
Which option from above did you choose (removing vs editing numbers)?
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Ah, well, then it's fine. Bughunting would have now been complicated since I wouldn't have had a clue where to watch for that ^^

It might have been since you only compiled once. Presentations are getting compiled before the scripts so the presentation refered to the old script and not the newly changed one. Compile always twice to make things sure.
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