Hi guys, i wish to put a bow i made ingame, i succeeded but whenever my men shoots it, they are pulling an invisible string and the model string does not move. I am a bit confused whether new bows need to be rigged. I really appreciate it if someone could redirect me to a tutorial on adding bows ingame. Or maybe impart some of their knowledge to me. The bow i mentioned is actually quite long ago. A year ago i think.
P.S: I am a dummy with the module system, i could only add weapons using simple editing and i am super heavily dependent on brfedit. My reason for this thread is that i want to make a mod that actually follows a dialogue of one of the heroes who is a crossbowmen. He sort of stated what each faction's best troops supposedly are even though they are not ingame, so i decided to make this mod that actually contains the troops the heroes said. For example, the rhodoks pikemen, the swadian knights i think, the vaegirs archers (maybe) The Nords footmen. The khergits horse archers. Even though most of these units are ingame, they are not as strong and effective as they are supposed to be. So please help. And i know that this P.S thingy is not supposed to be long.
P.S: I am a dummy with the module system, i could only add weapons using simple editing and i am super heavily dependent on brfedit. My reason for this thread is that i want to make a mod that actually follows a dialogue of one of the heroes who is a crossbowmen. He sort of stated what each faction's best troops supposedly are even though they are not ingame, so i decided to make this mod that actually contains the troops the heroes said. For example, the rhodoks pikemen, the swadian knights i think, the vaegirs archers (maybe) The Nords footmen. The khergits horse archers. Even though most of these units are ingame, they are not as strong and effective as they are supposed to be. So please help. And i know that this P.S thingy is not supposed to be long.