Add "Approach" option for contacts on campaign map settlements + "Family Feud" improvements

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At the moment you can "Take a walk through the lands" or click "Talk" on a specific contact. This is problematic for the "Family Feud" quests because both options suck.

If you use "Take a walk through the lands" then you have a boring 30 seconds of running to the contact.

If you use the "Talk" option then your character is stuck on their horse without their weapon out, which means if it the conversation turns uggly then the fight is just a mess with the guy your protecting normally swamped in seconds.

An alternative solution would be to convert this encounter into a proper duel encounter in the middle of the village, rather than commencing the fight on the spot.

Lastly, at the start of the quest, having to run 200m to find the contact who needs protecting adds no value to the experience and is just a boring waste of time. Please remove this and just have the contact join your party when you take the quest.
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