Suggestion General Add a possibility to serialize your created material from memory stack to Tpac bytes

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Add a possibility to serialize your created material from memory stack to Tpac bytes, and save it to DataBase, as _mtl.tpac.
This give us a possibility to automate the process of materials creation and textures assignments.
(Best effort - Refresh AssetsDataBase)

Yes, for now i importing Textures, Meshes, prefabs (from unity). And i stucked with mats, i need ability to save my created material via c#, to .tpac material asset.
Hi, dear devs, is it just a reminder post, it will great if is possible :smile:
Hey, we were generally okay with your request but it may take some time before it's worked on & shipped to a public version (barring any unforeseen issues that could prevent this).
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